We'll Continue Later.

Lucas was going to work late, so he sent Jen back home after finishing his lunch. He did not want to let her stay over for a long time, just to tire her out for no reason.

Jen stopped by the supermarket before going back home. She wanted to make dinner for him but also wanted to make some desserts as she was craving sweets today. When she got home, she started making some pastries. She wanted them to last a few more days so that she could have them whenever she craved them.

Jen kept herself busy and only stopped working in the kitchen when her phone started ringing. She quickly wiped her hands and picked up her phone, putting it on speaker.

"Girl! Did you forget us because you are getting married now?" Laura's voice sounded throughout the house. Jen, who had resumed cooking, paused her movements to stare incredulously at her phone.