Later... Miss Larson.

That night, Jen did not try to do anything to seduce Lucas because she did not want to have any hickeys on the wedding day. The couple just kissed a few times and held each other to sleep. The following morning, Jen was woken up by the alarm, which, incidentally, also woke Lucas up. For the first time, Lucas was the one that was coaxing Jen out of bed as she put up resistance.

"Can't we do this tomorrow?" Jen asked grumbled as she buried her face in his chest. Lucas was amused at her rare display of laziness.

"Let's get married tomorrow, then. You'll have to be the one to explain it to everyone though," Lucas said and even went ahead with hugging her to make her more comfortable. 

"You aren't good for me," Jen complained as she struggled to sit up. 

"Go get ready, I'll drop you off," Lucas said with a laugh as he helped her sit up on the bed. Jen nodded with a pout as she pushed her messy hair away from her face.