The Heebie-Jeebies

"Yes, can I help you?" one sales lady, with the name tag 'Wren' came over to them.

Wren had noticed the rather playful kids entering the store earlier and she was a bit surprised. What were they doing here? Normally, these stores would be the place the older and more matured clientele would go to, not young kids like them. Partly due to the price, partly due to the fashion style. It was more risque in nature.

She couldn't believe that such young kids would need these type of undergarments, let alone afford them.

"Kyle," hissed Kay, "I don't need these sort of things!"

Wren agreed internally. However, the young man just shook his head as he picked up a pair of very sexy black-lace bra and panties while wriggling his eyebrows at the girl. The other girl's face became beet red at that while Wren felt that boys nowadays were bolder than before.

Kay whacked Kyle on the shoulder when she saw what he held up.

Kyle laughed and put it down, ignoring the stares the customers and the weird look that Wren was giving him. "You will need some strapless bra for possible gowns when we have to attend formal functions. You know it'll be the thing to do after the term ends."

Kay grimaced. Yuck. Boring functions, but Kyle was right.

Kyle gave Wren his Colgate smile and gently pushed Kay forward, saying, "Could you please measure this lovely woman?"

Wren's eyebrow raised at that. Measure? Since when did boys have such an understanding about the female body? Outwardly though, she returned the smile and gestured for Kay to enter a private area to measure her bust to ensure a proper bra fit later. Kay followed, then turned around and stuck out her tongue at Kyle. He just grinned and walked about to look at the other things there.

Sarah and Beatrice just stood there as they watched the twins separate and Kyle rummaging through the very intimate apparel. They looked at each other and the unspoken question went through their minds and 'transmitted' through their eyes.

What should they do? Stay or wait outside?

As they were wondering, they saw Kyle picking up a strapless bra, look at it intently and then began running his fingers through the material.

They ran out.

Kyle was well aware that both Beatrice and Sarah had run out of the shop like bats out of Hell. He felt it was probably for the best since he doubted any girl could handle seeing a boy handle intimate apparel like this. They could always keep each other company while he and Kay finished up here.

Kyle held up the strapless bra and continued feeling the texture inside the cup, and at the top of the cup. He avoided all the styles that had laces for he knew that Kay didn't like it. It was too itchy. Though if it was a high quality one, the lace would be soft and would not have that irritating feel about it.

Still, that was not what Kay needed. Kyle heard some steps approaching but ignored it, as he knew it wasn't Kay. It was another salesperson and from the looks of it, she appeared to be late twenties or early thirties. She was most likely one of the more senior people who worked here.

"Can I help you?" she asked him as she stood there, watching him picking out some bras and matching underwear.

"Nope, it's fine. Thank you, Ms. Sandra" Kyle responded politely after taking note of her nametag. Even though he hated having salespeople come up to help, he wasn't going to be rude. He found them more of a nuisance rather than help, but he knew that they're just doing their job. It was worse when they just followed you about as if you're a criminal about to steal something.

Kyle prefered to shop in private and that the salespeople should not bother them. At the most, stay at a respectful distance but nearby so that they could be called if one needed help. To have them within your private space and simply standing there was pretty unnerving. Of course, Kyle's hatred for such behaviour really stemmed from his past life and was made worse in this.

He already had an aversion to such 'helpful' people and in this life, he found that they had just gotten more annoying. He put it down to his prejudice against them as he couldn't help but feel more irritated at them all. He found that no matter what he said, they seemed to pop up everywhere and all the time. Was he really that untrustworthy that they needed to make sure he didn't steal anything? Or did he look so helpless that they had to help him?

Or was he THAT good looking that they just wanted to get to know him? He scoffed at the idea. These salespeople were adults for Goodness sake. He admitted that he often played up on it with girls his age and even grannies but matured adults? No way. He would be a little boy to them, right?

What Kyle was oblivious to was the fact that after reaching puberty, he started exuding this sort of subtle aura that was a mix of sexiness, maturity, and confidence, which was partly due to the hormones raging within him and partly due to his old soul.

Kyle wasn't like most boys who were having difficulty in the sudden surge of imbalanced hormonal activity (and finding out that their p*nis wasn't just for peeing). He had already experienced sex and had a very active sexual lifestyle in his past life, so he was extremely comfortable with his body and sexuality.

That is why he could give off such a sexy image despite being so young. Added to the mix was that his naturally sharp features were quite pronounced, so he didn't exactly have a 'baby face'. At the most, it could be seen that he was a very young man. So when you mix that young face with a sexy/matured aura ... it created a rather conflicting emotion in people.

Like you want to protect him ... and eat him up at the same time.

One couldn't help but be attracted yet feel guilty for being attracted. (Of course, there were those rather perverted ones who that quite enjoyed certain fantasies - but that is a story for another day. Or maybe not).

Sandra stood there silently, admiring the young man that was seriously picking out some undergarments for the young lady earlier. Was she his girlfriend? It appeared so. Or perhaps this young man in front of her was gay? After all, what man would be willing not only to enter this place without discomfort but also be able to choose what sort of style to wear?

She looked at him from his neat hair, to his lean body frame and her sharp eyes caught the slight muscle of his arms as he reached out and did things. She moved to his side and looked at his chest, noticing how the tight material hugged his abdomen and the slight shape of a six-pack could be seen.

She unconsciously licked her lips and bit her bottom lip as she boldly looked further down towards the crotch. With disappointment, she couldn't quite see much so her gaze went to admire his long legs and then to his feet. All of this was done in a very covert manner, of course.

She noted his shoe size and her lips curled up to a smile. After all, you know what they say about a guy's shoe size and its connection to 'that' length, right?* This boy was already eye-catching from a distance, but devastating upon very close inspection.

Sandra decided. This one would be her next target.

Sandra was what one in the present age would call a 'cougar'. Older women who liked younger men. She had an extremely high sex drive and she found that men her age couldn't quite keep up, sadly enough. Young men, though, seem not only willing to experiment but also was pliable and controllable. She loved being the dominating one in the purely physical relationship.

Another bonus was that Sandra was naturally well endowed (a D cup, if you please), which made young men that was under the roller-coaster instability of their hormones raging upon reaching puberty, much easier to ensnare. She felt that the young boy in front of her fit all of the needed criteria for her to trap and capture.

Although she had to admit, the boy in front of her right now was REALLY young. Not that it bothered her as he didn't act babyish like most boys and most importantly, his body was solid. Sandra's mind started wandering into ... the more sleazy part that need not be mentioned here.**

Kyle, in the meantime, was getting more and more irritated by this person who kept staying close by. He had already told her that he didn't need any help so why was she still hanging around? Worse, it appeared as if she was inching closer and closer. Urgh. She seriously gave him the heebie-jeebies and he was getting goosebumps.

Just then, Sandra leaned forward to take another style of bra, her ample breasts brushing against Kyle as she did so. Kyle frowned when he realised just what exactly brushed against him. Sandra took a peek at his face as she did so, and was surprised to see that frown rather than either a blushing red face or having him stare at her chest.

With her uniform, the buttons around her chest were practically straining against the material and she was used to many men just staring at it. It made her feel empowered and beautiful, as she could manipulate them just by jiggling those big jugs.

Yet, this boy was not interested? Was he truly gay?

Sandra gave him her best smile as she said, "Why not this colour? It would look nice on your girlfriend."

She asked, deliberately saying 'girlfriend', wanting to check if he would deny it or affirm it. She inched herself closer, touching his arm as if to show him the bra.

The hair on Kyle's arm shot up and he shuddered. Seriously, the heebie-jeebies.