Likes and Dislikes

The entire meeting went by smoothly and Betty was diligently writing the main points of the meeting. Generally, there was resistance to the whole idea as a lot of them wanted to be able to have the freedom to send gifts whenever they wanted.

Betty watched as Sam shot their arguments down without raising his voice. He was firm. He was steady and he gave out the reasons for each and every rule. Just watching him in action made her heart flutter even more.

Finally, after three hours, things had settled down and all the Class Reps grudgingly walked out. Some were still unhappy, obviously, but there as nothing they could do about it. All of their grievances were argued and dismantled by Sam. They could not find anything to counter it.

Once the final person left, Sam leaned back on the chair and shook his head.

"That was sooooo intense," Betty was saying, "Who would have thought something as simple as a Valentine's Day celebration can be so heated?"