New Phase

Ever since then, there was a new routine amongst the Elite Five.

The breakfast table at the cafeteria now had two extra regulars: Sam and Betty. Now, one might think that it was being cruel to Beatrice as Betty did not have breakfast with her any longer, but this was at the request of Beatrice herself.

The idea came to Beatrice on the first day that Sam came to visit Betty at the dorms. She had done a lot of thinking and soul searching and felt that she spent quite a lot of time with Betty when she's not in class or at the Student Council. She had no other friends or activities.

Thus, she wanted to force herself out of her comfort zone and meet more people. The first step was to have breakfast with other people. This actually served two purposes. Betty can spend time with Sam, while she can make new friends - and at the same time, be able to get used to seeing the two of them together at a distance.