Figuring Things Out

Kyle just moved along with Xing Han's shaking him, exaggerating the movements even more. Kay was busy laughing at Xing Han's awe-struck face, who had yet to stop shaking Kyle.

She stood up as well, and smiled at Keanu, "I'm Kayla, Kyle's sister. It's nice to meet you."

Ali was suddenly there as well, breathless as he had run over like a bat out of hell,* and he said, "And I'm Ali!"

Then he looked at Xing Han and Kyle, then replied, "Xing Han, I think Kyle is sufficiently shaken by now."

Xing Han seemed to snap out of it and he looked at Kyle sheepishly, "Oh. Sorry."

Kyle laughed, patted Xing Han's cheeks and replied, "No worries. I'm allowing it this time since I'm so busy here at the moment."

"Since you haven't had breakfast yet, please do join us with our parents, Keanu," Kay invited, a sweet smile on her lips, her hands clasped in front of her, "Mother would certainly be quite happy to meet you."