Ali's Family

When Ali heard Sophia's question, he didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he tightened his hold on her, as if afraid that she would suddenly disappear.

Which, he knew, was a possibility.

Although Ali knew that his parents were much more open-minded than most, there would still be issues. He didn't want to lie to Sophia but he didn't want to frighten her either.

"I'll handle my family, don't worry," Ali said.

Finally letting her go, he kissed her forehead, though he seriously wanted to do more than that. He had to keep reciting several prayers in his mind, to calm him and to remind him about his limits.

"We do need to talk about some things, actually," Ali confessed with a sigh, "But not today. I'm sure you'll need to process this ... us ... before we do so."

He was reluctant to let her go, and whispered in her ear, "No matter what happens, know that what I love you."

Sophia nodded, though her heart was full of worry.

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