Farewell Party

It was finally the day of the party.

Ali and Sophia stood at the front of Sage Class, looking at the layout and the decorations, heart happy and content.

The food was laid out on the long table at their kitchenette. Each desk had a placemat so that any food spilled would not ruin or dirty the documents there. The front of the Sage Class had the banner with the words, "Congratulations Natasha!" and the present was hidden in the pantry cupboard.

"Just looking at this made me realise just how much of a monster Kyle is," Ali said, "Again."

"What do you mean?" Sophia asked as she made one final sweep of the food.

"Last year, he arranged a surprise birthday party for Sam in just a couple of days," Ali explained, "And unlike us, he sneaked everything in without anyone knowing!"

"Eh? How is that possible?" Sophia asked. Just the food alone had the catering team send a small truck to send the food.

Ali shrugged, "Like I said, monster."