
After the rather exciting drama that had ensued, the rest of the train ride was rather boring. Nothing else happened (unless you want to count the number of girls that kept coming by the get to know them ... ok, fine: get to know Kyle).

Thank goodness.

Well, other than having to fend off the girls once in a while, that is.

Little Kyle was getting out of his shell slowly, and it was a wonder to see. Without the danger of Cornelius looming over his head, the natural curiosity of a child started to shine through. Xing Han was just amazed at the amount of questions that came out of that little mouth ... and how patient Kyle was in explaining everything.

It wasn't the typical 'why' questions either.

He'd ask how the train moved. How did Kyle train to notice things as detailed as he did when he told the guys on the phone? When did Kyle learn Mandarin? What did he do to be able to be so fluent in it? And so forth, and so forth.

Xing Han was getting dizzy just listening to him.