Fan Club

When Xing Han saw a car arrive at the front gate, he didn't have time to take note of Nitocris any longer. He squealed happily, causing Nitocris's eyebrow to shoot up. Oblivious to this, Xing Han dashed passed Nitocris and rushed to the door.

Flinging it open, he excitedly called out, "Kyyyyylllleeeee!!!" as he ran off.

Nitocris watched him go, pursing his lips, a bit unhappy. Seems like the puppy needs a lot of training in the future ... or at least, that bundle of energy has to be directed somewhere else. Nitocris harumphed as he started thinking of a few things.

Kyle was getting out of the car when he heard Xing Han. He grinned as Xing Han came and glomped on him.

"Are you ever going to stop doing that?" Kyle asked in amusement.

"Never ever ever ..." Xing Han began, "No, wait. Probably when I'm too old and feeble to do so."

Kyle laughed as he went to the boot of the car and took out their bags. Kay came out gracefully and pouted at Xing Han.