Horsing Around

There was a welcoming party at Master Shifu's house.

As expected, Master Shifu was ecstatic that Kyle had moved next door. Now, it felt like the family was complete.

Kyle's room was turned into a nursery, in preparation for the baby while Kay's room was turned into a study room for Hawthorn and May. Hawthorn wanted to improve himself and May wanted to learn more about raising a baby.

Kyle, Kay and Xing Han had been shooed to the living room while Master Shifu, Rheia and Hawthorne were in the kitchen. May was also banned from the kitchen and she was resting at the dining table, watching Hawthorne cooking with a smile.

"So how did you manage to get the house anyway, Kyle?" Xing Han asked curiously, "And you must have been planning this for quite a while. I mean, we just needed to move in? Everything was already there?"

"Wow," Kyle said, "So many questions at one shot."

"I'm curious!!" Xing Han huffed.

Kyle smiled and said, "It's easy. Anything can be done quickly with money."