Eating Vinegar

Nitocris saw red.

His hand gripped on the phone so hard that the screen cracked and he watched as the screen slowly went dark.

He clenched his jaw so tightly that if one was there to see him, one would be able to see the muscles straining underneath his cheeks.

A part of him wanted to throw things but he refrained. It was too much like his father and he loathed to do anything that reminded him of that piece of trash.

Instead, he made do with smashing the phone onto the table. After all, it couldn't be used anymore. It didn't quite abate the frustration in his heart but at least, it let off some steam.

The worst thing was, it was his own little brother. If it had been anyone else, he could have captured the guy, tortured him slowly and then feed him to the sharks.

Of course, he wouldn't really do that but it was certainly a nice thought.

Really, he wouldn't.


Nitocris glared at the broken phone.