One Last Time

At that, Xing Han nodded, bobbing his head up and down.

"It's funny," he said as he looked at the people around them, "Everyone wants and desires financial freedom. Yet, they do not realise the sort of burden we are under to obtain and maintain that."

"You don't get one thing for nothing," Kyle agreed, "So that's why I want to give my children the best of both worlds. There is the danger that they'll get spoilt, or be taken advantage of though. I just hope the MIB is enough to protect them."

Although that is Kyle's hope, he knew that anything could happen. You can have the best of intentions, the most meticulous of plans but it can unravel all so easily.

Just take that darn Randall for example. 


That night, Kyle started dressing up to go out.

This time, Kyle was sharing a room with Xing Han while Kay and Sam had their own rooms. It wasn't fair to have Sam deal with Xing Han and his antics at night all the time, after all.