Heavy Heart

Xing Han and Sam came back in, with the former looking extremely worried.

Before Xing Han could say anything though, Kyle shook his head and said softly, "I don't want to talk about it."

Xing Han bit his lips, looking at his forlorn friend who was looking out the window.

"I'm just too angry right now," came Kyle's voice.

Xing Han sighed, went to Kyle's side and hugged him, saying, "I know. That's precisely why you need to talk about it. That was quite intense and it's best you let it out rather than keeping it in."

Kyle closed his eyes and simply allowed himself to be hugged.

His heart was heavy, truly. 

"I can't be the sort of son he wants," Kyle said softly, "But I am doing the best that I can, as me. Why can't that be enough?"

To Kyle's surprise, he felt tears prick at his eyes.