Kyle (III)

Kyle slowed down his jog, walking leisurely along the corridors.

He made a show of looking everywhere diligently, opening doors of the manager's rooms and shining his flashlight into it without entering.

His mind was busy comparing what he was looking at while noting in his mind the minute changes the rooms had. It wasn't that he was looking for anything specifically, but merely honing and training himself.

And planting bugs, of course.

Rex Industries had its own internal server, which made it hard for Team Zero to crack through without a proper backdoor. For now, all the hacking and infiltration was being done by Team Zero so as to allow Kay to focus on her studies.

Kyle didn't want her life to be too mixed up with his old life, so he intended to keep her out of this issue in these two years. The foundation had to be built up and then, together, they can deal with the issue as it came.