
Sam found it to be truly ironic that when it came to Kyle, his work was meticulous. This slight miscalculation on his part may cause him a bit of a problem.

As he sat nervously in front of Betty's parents, the stern look on Betty's father's face confirmed it.

On the outside, Sam appeared cool as a cucumber.

On the inside, however, the storm was raging.

"So let me get this straight," said Betty's father, leaning back on the sofa and staring down at the little pipsqueak that decided to take his princess, "You are here to ask for my precious daughter's hand in marriage?"

"Yes, Sir," Sam said politely.

"My permission is important, is it?" he growled, "Considering you've already given her a ring. If I was to say no, wouldn't she hate me then?"

Sam stood up and bowed then, saying, "My apologies, Mr. Chan. That is not my intention. I had gone ahead of myself out of excitement and for that, I beg your forgiveness."