Little Thief

Samantha had just been the tip of the iceberg.

The start.

Sari also asked about that hickey he got from Country I. 

If Kyle had known that little picture he, Kay and Xing Han had come up with to throw off his parents would bite him in the butt later, he wouldn't have agreed to it.

He didn't really regret it doing it, really. Kyle lived by the motto that he would only do something after thinking of all the consequences. It would be impossible to forsee all the variables, and thus, whatever decision he makes would be the best at that time.

Regretting something done, based on future events, was a waste of time and emotions.

Whatever happens in the future, he would deal with it then.

So it wasn't really 'regret' that he was feeling - more like, frustration.

He was starting to feel rather frustrated that Sari would pick on his past and question him about it constantly.