
Sari couldn't believe it when her aunt told her who had come.

She looked at her bare walls, devoid of all posters of Kyle. She had spent the night clearing her room of everything and anything that was of Kyle, and those that reminded her of Kyle.

He had broken up with her and left, so what is the point of hanging on to something that was no longer hers?

Also …

She bit her lower lip guiltily. 

She had accepted Hamdan.

Even now, she wasn't sure if her guilt that she was feeling right now, was because she had jumped straight into another person's arms after breaking up, or for meeting up with her ex when her boyfriend wasn't around.

Perhaps, it was both?

Sari quickly got ready.

Whatever it was, this meeting didn't feel good but she also felt that it was needed.

When she came down to the living room, she paused for a while at the stairs.