Safe Enough

The reason why Kyle was actually listening this time, was two folds.

First, the only people in this world that Kyle trusted wholeheartedly - besides his kids - were the Elite Five.  They would give it to him straight, and not sugar-coat anything. He had seen how they dropped the subject about Sayuri when he had denied he harboured any feelings for her, so he knew that they wouldn't push it.

But they would still have their own thoughts about it. Kyle knew he was stubborn, but that was only because … well, heck. He should know himself best, right? He truly did not think his feelings for Sayuri was romantic love. 

He knew that the moment he left, they were most likely talk about him amongst themselves out of concern. Just like how he had talked to Xing Han when Sam had been resolutely denying his feelings for Betty. Was he, Kyle, doing the same thing?