
It was just too dark. But a moon was rising, shedding some light so he could now see some blurry

shapes around him. With no light source other than the stars and moon above him, there was an eerie sense of calmness rising inside him. As the moon rose higher up in the sky, it now gave out enough light for him to look around. Jiro tapped his fingers on his throne and dismissed the tensed beings around him.

After explaining Mizuki's death to her relatives and friends, Jiro stayed until her burial and left for his clan. He was once again backed as an immortal being with large ears nine tails of a fox.

He became cold and dangerous as ever. His heart had been broken twice by humans. He stood from his seat and suddenly vanished. The Emperor and the Empress as well Nello shook their heads.

Thousands of years had already passed by yet Jiro never came back to his old self. Every day was torture to him. He was being drowned in a vast sea of memories with Mizuki. He felt like he's dying every time he breathes. How he wished he could really die. So he could escape this pain his heart had been sheltering.

Reincarnation isn't real. Neither a Nami nor a Mizuki will be born again in the future. If he carved out

his heart, he would still live, isn't he? These wounds, scars, pain, and blood were too painful to take.

Perhaps if he did not leave that night in spring, Nami and Mizuki would have live.

"I'm such a bastard."