Flash of Bright Darkness

Flash of Bright Darkness. This was the name of his cultivation technique. It represented everything he possessed. Lightning from nen was flash, Darkness was his servamp power, and bright part was snatch and immortality as usually after snatching power he will emit extra power in color of power absorbed just like Cap'n power was dark along with other demons, King's was rainbow since those two were his most casual target when not fighting seriously.

This technique essentially increased each of his power with an increase in the quantity of energy stored or cultivation as they had described. But there was a problem. The connection between his siblings. It was that of a servamp and eve with little change.

1. If all three of them dies then he too dies and if they are alive he will be immortal, they can also share cultivation with him as the focal point.

2. He has to be near one of them otherwise they all will change into his animal form.

3. His servamp and snatch superpowers are divided into four parts which are held by his eve, in this case, his siblings. So he is at full capacity only when he is near all three of them or he can get back at full capacity momentarily by drinking the blood of his eve(or eves in this case).

4. The cultivation technique allows him to reach his previous power level and exceed it in two ways one while removing restriction and making powers his own gradually and other increasing power momentarily though at cost of sealing it in his eve.

5. His eve, in this case, will act as his master as well as storage for his powers thus imposing him with the above condition, with them also being able to use a part of his powers.

6. Using superpowers by drinking blood will lead to its lower potency afterward though his cultivation is not affected in any way.

Accessing his knowledge until here he did a double take and rechecked the info that was lying in a corner till now. Simply put, they are my battery now that needs to be saved with a cool feature being that he has a full battery for emergency currently.

Shrugging his shoulders he decided to do the same as what he did with technique his mother gave him when he was two years old, modify it to his tastes so that it becomes passive and doesn't require meditation or anything like that. There was a reason why there was only a dull red glow before saint stone exploded. It didn't mean that his talent was so low that he was only able to reach that level rather he spent nearly six months to modify such that even while sleeping he was able to cultivate.

Time seems to slowly tick by. He now was nine years old. During this whole time, not much had changed. He was still allowed to do pretty much anything he wants. It seemed that the fourth brother's talent was even worse. Saint stone showed no shine. Since such a thing happened some people servants some clan elders were kinda prejudiced against both of them. Against him, they were more afraid as his awakening was kinda unauspicious and towards fourth brother they were more of jealousy one could say. It was a new feeling for him. Being disdained at, that is. Though it sometimes causes him to smirk internally. Like when first aunt would back off or avoid to speak to him or many other such instances. Heck, one time he went to ask his mother something, he heard loud noises while all servants were away, it seemed his parents were working hard.

For his first brother, he had been sent away at a famous academy and then there was talk about marriage for his sister. All this while even though he didn't mess with people anymore other than occasional pranking as it was not suited for his age even though he would like to, he still stole some sweets or food even though he could ask for it just because of the satisfaction it bought. The most important thing though was he had finally 'slothified' his cultivation technique. God damned technique was too hard to modify and that too was done only up to fifth part of twenty parts it had corresponding to saint cultivation. The plus part about it was that your cultivation speed doubles when sleeping which was quite opposite of what happened with the previous technique quite likely because of sloth characteristic meaning more you sleep more you grow......or something like that.

Even though he was now being neglected he was pretty cool about this atleast it was better than being tasked to have your whole future planned. He was thinking of leaving a letter and running away from home for adventure. But today he was in front of training yard watching as a certain paperface as he practiced his sword by swinging and.......... still swinging for god knows what reason. What he didn't know was that normal people trained this way, not the way where you are shown something than expected to copy the same movements to perfection.

Just yesterday his plans had to be changed because this annoying brother who couldn't hide his cultivation anymore and decided to perform the idiotic act of showing off. As result, he was now expected to do the same and not just disappear to nowhere.

After some time during which he had shifted in various positions for finding a comfortable position in which he could rest his head in hands he gave up and decided to simply lay down but he sensed something weird going on nearby. Turning his head he noticed that his fourth brother was doing something weird. From the beginning when he was swinging his movements had too many extras covered by simple speed in it that would be fatal in an equal fight but right now even though they had not changed much he noticed saint power going samba and dancing in accordance to his movements. Seeing this weird sight made him itch to try his hand and without any warning, he attacked so that he could have his share of fun after keeping it in for so long.