Chapter 15: Feels like Honeymoon

"Hey Katie, its bee a while since we last spoke" a masculine voice says from the other line. "Kyle?" Katie says a bit unsure, "well, she still remembers me, looks like I'm still in her heart" Kyle says playfully. Katie who is blushing hard from his comment can't keep her excitement in "oh wow it is you, it's so good to hear from you again", "it's good to hear your voice to" Kyle says, "so how are things in London, I heard that's where you are staying now" Katie says, "actually that's why I called, I'm at the airport about to board a flight back home" Kyle casually says

"WHAT? You are coming home, wow that's great" Katie practically screams, "it's nice to know you are excited and can't wait to see me. Anyway I should go now, pick me up later tonight at 9, Kay?" an announcement in the background can be heard from the other line "thanks bye Katie" Kyle says before cutting the line not giving any chance to answer.

'His coming back and he called me to pick him. Could he be coming back for me?' Katie thinks as she paces around the room, a sense of joy creeping up in heart.

"Are you almost done?" a faint and gentle voice comes from outside the door pulling Katie back from her thoughts. "Almost" she says as she remembers what she was doing before the call. She quickly puts on a white armless summer dress with brown sandals showing her dainty feet and black glasses.

As she steps out the room James can't get his eyes off her, her clear brown eyes and fact that she is beautiful even with minimal make-up. Noticing James deep stare Katie clears her throat to get his attention.

"Shall we go?" she says trying desperately to hide her blush, "of course, lets" James says has he leads her out the door. Once they get downstairs he helps her into the car like the gentleman he is.

Although she isn't sure where they are going but she can see him driving outside city towards the shore. Finally they arrive at a private beach front; James parks his car and walks to the other side to help her down. Then he helps her into a speed boat, and then they drive off to a small remote island which has a very cute and portable house which isn't too luxurious but classy.

'Is this all for a date, it's like we are going on our honeymoon' Katie thinks to herself, she can't believe how far he went just for a date.