Chapter 25: Detesting the rich

"Of course dad, you can trust me. It's just that my company has some work with their family. And that picture is probably just fake ad used for hype." Katie said in one breath without even thinking, before saying goodbye to her parents.

After the conversation with her parents Katie is left completely drained and pale, with no energy left she slumps on chair. She sits starring at her ceiling almost lifeless. She was so caught up in glow of dating someone as amazing as James she almost forgot his powerful background. Growing up her parent's always emphasized o the importance on staying away from the rich, they always told her that;

"The upper class and lower class don't mix" or "the rich always look down on their kind"

So, she grew up almost detesting the rich, but when she went to university she met all kinds of people rich, poor, those that were comfortable and forgot about her parents warning. Now she has no idea what to do, the severity of the matter finally dawns on and she is lost in thought when, 'BEEP, BEEP' her phone pulls her back. She subconsciously picks up without checking who the caller is.

"Hello" Katie says with no enthusiasm, "miss me?" the person on the other line says.

Finally realizing that the caller is James, Katie wakes up from her dazed state not sure of what to say.

"Katie? Are you ok?" James asks worried about her lack of response.

Snapping back she hurriedly answers, "Yes, I'm fine. Are you back?" she asks trying to sound fine

"I just landed, and I wanted to see you. But when I got to your office I realized the situation and I saw the news." He pauses for a bit "I'm sorry that this is happening" although he was happy seeing them together online e realizes how bad it could be on her

"It's fine; it's not a big deal. But I don't think you can up" Katie said trying to look for an excuse to send him away.

"I know, that's why I sent my helicopter to pick you up, it should be there soon. Ok I have to go, don't stress over the news to much. Bye" James said before hanging up

Katie, who has been hung up on, sits in the same position without reacting for half a minute before gathering her stuff to leave. She takes the stairs to the roof where she meets Don who helps her into the helicopter before they fly off.

After flying for 10 minutes they finally arrive at James penthouse, Katie who spends the whole ride immersed in her thought without even enjoying the view of the ride, gets down from the helicopter and walks towards James who is smiling at her with his arms opened.

She walks into his embracing with the best smile that she could compose, she tries to hold back the tears that have been threatening to fall but she feels his familiar warmth she can't help but break down.

Feeling her tears on his shirt, James brows deeply furrows and he has murderous glint I his eyes because he thinks that she is crying about the news. But Katie is actually crying because she doesn't want to let him go, but she also doesn't want to hurt her parents.

"It's ok, please don't cry. I promise to punish all those who hurt." James says with a broken heart. After a while she finally calms down and James escorts her to his penthouse. He helps her removes her coat and gives her slippers to wear before leading her to his room.

"Shower and freshen up, and I put some clothes for you on the bed. Once your done join us for dinner" James tenderly says before bending down to place a quick but deep kiss on her lips.

After James leaves Katie drags herself to shower for her warm shower. When she comes out she feels a lot better than she did before. She puts on the sweater and jeans left on the bed before leaving to join them for dinner.

As she opens the door she suddenly stops in her tracks thinking 'he said join 'us' for dinner, who is 'us' Katie thinks to herself as she just now processes what James said