Chapter 28: I love you

After Catherine left James and Katie continue to eat their meal, once done they clear up together and move to the living room to watch a movie.

They sit in silence snuggled against each other as they watch their movie; a calm and soothing environment is formed

"I'm really happy we are together" James says disrupting the peaceful silence, he turns her head to face him. A warm feeling crept up at the bottom of Katie's heart that slowly engulfs her, and she gives him a warm smile. But that feeling is slowly replaced with guilt as she remembers the conversation she had with her parents earlier, and she can't help the tears forming underneath her eyes.

James continues to talk, "after things ended with ruby I was really hurt and I was weak then so there was nothing I could do but just take it as it was. After I recovered I slowly found myself staying away from women, because I didn't want to get hurt." He pauses and stares straight into her eyes, "but I found you" he adds with a smile that compliments his handsome face. "Katie… I think I'm" he pauses and gives a faint laugh before saying "I think I'm falling in love with you… no I know. I love you Katie" James says while starring intensely into her eyes

Katie who is still wallowing in guilt can't really comprehend what he is saying, but she can't help the wide smile on her face. 'Ooh James, I love you too' Katie thinks to her as she jumps into his embrace.

James who wasn't sure what her reaction was going to be after he confessed his feeling can't help but feel relived but at the same time upset because she didn't say it back.

Feeling the romantic moment, James moves his hand to the back of Katie's neck and slowly moves closer to her. Seeing him come closer to her, Katie knows what's coming next so she gently closes her eyes anticipating the kiss to come.

James lowers his head and slowly covers her lips, but he doesn't move immediately he just stays there inhaling her familiar scent. Before slowly moving his lips, trying to savor her taste.

Katie slowly drapes her arms over his neck trying to deepen the kiss. Noticing her compliance James moves his other hand to her waist to pull her closer and deepens his kiss. Their passionate moment feels the room, increasing the temperature and slight moans feel the room. James pulls her thighs over his leg so she can straddle him.

Although Katie knows that she can't be with James, but she doesn't know how to let him go. She doesn't bother with her guilt and just enjoys this moment with him. She knows that her worries will still bother her but she doesn't care, she wants this with him and him only.

So tonight will be theirs and tomorrow they can face what comes.

James hand moves up her waist and snakes his hand under her shirt earning a sharp inhale from the inexperienced Katie. He continues to kiss her occasionally moving to her neck leaving faint marks as he goes. With his warm and moist kisses trailing her smooth soft skin.

Their kiss seems to be getting more and more intense and their clothes seem to be a hindrance. James picks her up without breaking their kiss and walks slowly towards his room. He puts her down at the door and they make their way to the bed dropping pieces of clothing on their way, they practically fall on the bed.

As they fell on each other, his kisses trailed every inch of her body leaving no part untouched, making sure she was ready before entering her. He knows this is her first time and that it will be painful. With that in mind he slowly but forcefully barges into her world, he can feel are sharp nails digging into his skin which seem to excite him further.

Katie, who is lost and completely taken by his touch, is brought back to her senses when she feels an agonizing pain in her lower abdomen. Feeling the pain she arches her body as her body tenses up. Light kisses rain on her face giving her a calming effect completely relaxing her, feeling her body relax James begins to move more and more. Kissing her and swallowing all moans coming from Katie, their bodies seem to move in rhythm as the intimate air in the room intensifies. And then he was making love to her…

He was an accomplished lover, she'd grant him that. Her body hummed with unfamiliar pleasure, her senses completely alive. James definitely knew how to satisfy a woman. Despite knowing her parents opinion about her relationship, she was a willing participant in their lovemaking.

Once they were done with their intense activity, the tired Katie slumped on James' chest and slept off leaving a satisfied and fully awake James by her side. While enjoying the afterglow of it all James can hear the front door opening, and he knows it's his sister so he gets up to check on her.

Catherine walks into the penthouse as quietly as she can still wearing what she wore when she left. As she walks towards the kitchen to get water she sees her brother walking out as well.

"Hey, why are you still awake?" Catherine asks trying to draw attention away from her.

"Cat its two am, where have you been?" James asks with no intention of letting her off

"I … ehm, I went on her date" she responds trying hard to sound believable

James raises his brow indicating that he obviously doesn't believe her, "you? You expect me to believe that Catherine Ning went on a date" James sends his sister a suspicious look. "And what's that smell, so flowery, did this so called date give you flowers"

"Yes I do, because I did. And if you must know he did give me flowers" Catherine says back to him, "anyway its late why are you still up, where is Katie" Catherine asks once again trying to dodge the questions

"She is sleeping and I was about to sleep" James says trying to hide the smile on his face

Catherine stands starring at her brother for a while before realization dawns on her, "you know what, never mind I don't need to know. Goodnight" Catherine hurriedly says as she flees from the uncomfortable conversation