Chapter 30: You mean I can shoot her!

After their very intimate shower, Katie s exhausted but she has to go to work to clear the mess that Ruby caused. She puts on the outfit James prepared for her which looks so great and just by feeling it she knows it's worth more than her house rent.

By the time she works out of the changing room James is no longer in the room so she picks up her bag and walks out the room.

---- Kitchen

James and Catherine are sitting down on stools in front of the counter while the housekeeper that comes every morning s serving their food.

"Madam Chen add one more plate someone is joining us" James informs the housekeeper who is only setting two plates.

It takes a while for Madam Chen to process what James said because both Catherine and James never invite anyone over, but she quickly recovers and adds another plate

"Is it done?" James asks Catherine without looking up from the paper he is reading.

Catherine who s sipping tea like a lady knows he is talking to her both she doesn't acknowledge him.

When he didn't hear a response from her he looks towards her and asks again, "is it done" but this time he is looking directly at her.

"ooh so your eyes aren't glued to the paper" Catherine finally speaks then takes another sip from her drink before saying, "yes I have, she won't even know what hit her" Catherine lazily answers his question

James who is already used to his sisters ways isn't offended and replies, "Good I want her to know who did, I want her to come to you and you need to shoot her down,"

Hearing her brother's words, Catherine's eyes light up and she turns to her brother "you mean I can shoot her, like literally?" Catherine who is so excited doesn't see Katie walk in.

"No! Why would I mean literally shoot her, I mean figuratively" James says shocked at his sister's way of thinking

"Well that's no fun at all" Catherine says as all the excitement from before disappears, "but you know by doing that she would definitely go to grandmother and grandmother loves her." Katie says as she finally notices Katie

"Who do you want to shoot down" Katie who didn't want to interrupt the siblings finally speaks. She sits down on her stool near James as Madam Chen begins to serve them food.

"Ruby" Catherin straightforwardly answers earring a glare from James which she ignores.

"Ooh" Katie chuckles, "if it's about what she did, don't bother about it, it will die down soon enough."

"Too late, it's already done" Catherine says as she passes a tablet to Katie. "Hear, take a look for yourself."

SO CALLED 'GORGEOUSE Ruby Xie' isn't even worthy of our Superb CEO

The article shows picture of her taking drugs and drinking, there is another of her intimately dancing with a man, her kissing various foreign models in cars. The article shows more and more of her acting irresponsible. Normally people wouldn't dare attack her knowing her family but with the name like Ning secretly pushing things behind the news quickly spreads with thousands of views and comment.