Chapter 54: Regret and determination

After Katie arrived at the restaurant, she decided to wait for James while working on some collaboration for starlight, before she knew it an hour had gone. As she was finally gong to call the waiter in, the door of the private room was pushed open.

Finally a man had arrived, Katie got up prepaid to jump into his arms. With a wide grin she walked towards the door, but all her excitement was quickly replaced when she saw who came in.

It wasn't James but a group of people who Katie didn't know.

Oh wait… yes she did. She did know some of some them but not all.

"Hey Katie surprise!!" Cindy excitedly screamed as she ran up to Katie pulling Jeremy along with her and also Anna. Anna was their friend from university, at first glance you wouldn't even know she was around, she was simple, plain and she blended into the background well.

But there were more people, Kyle? Is that Kyle? What are odds of running into a piece of trash here? And of course he wasn't alone.

'Wait did he come with Cindy? Why would she bring him here?' "What are you guys doing here? I'm supposed to meet…"

"James? Yeah we know. He was the one who invited us" Jeremy said as he walked over to the complimentary fruit platters.

"And we met Kyle on our way up. I'm not really sure why he is here" Cindy turned towards Kyle with a questioning gaze.

"my boss invited me, she said to bring whomever I wanted." He paused and looked towards the provocatively dressed lady by his side before saying "this is Bibi"

They all looked towards a young lady who had on a very flashy dress, generously showing her bosom and barely covering her buttocks. They all gave a friendly smile and introduced themselves.

Katie picked up the menu and ordered breakfast for all of them, just as they were about to dig in James finally arrived.

He walked in looking as dashing as ever in plain casual clothes. Finally seeing her prince arrive Katie rushed up to him and threw herself into the embrace she has been longing for since he left the night the before. And of course James readily accepted his baby initiation of affection.

While James and Katie embraced, far at the edge of the table Kyle who was sitting with his arm draped over the shoulder of Bibi couldn't help clenching his fist. His gaze help a complicated emotion filled with regret and also determination.