Chapter 66: Intruders

After playing with the animals and even scooping their poop and cleaning them, they all washed their bodies inside the house then gathered outside for some lemonade and cookies while happily chatting and playing with families two dogs.

Soon it was time to continue, they moved on to the stables were all kinds of pure bred champion horses could be found.

Riding the horses was something Katie had been looking forward to, he had this feeling that she should know how to ride a horse.

"I want to ride this one, yes this one" Katie pointed at a black, tall and dark horse called nightmare.

"Young lady I don't nightmare is the safest horse for you to ride" the mother tried to persuade Katie

"Auntie, but he is so beautiful" Katie persistently uttered.

"Auntie would you please explain to dear, sweet and innocent Katie why this horse is called nightmare."Jeremy asked as he rubbed Katie head earning him a shove from James.

"Nightmare here is dangerous and unrestrained, only someone with great upper and lower body strength can ride on it. It needs to be dominated and a lot of riders have been into the hospital by nightmare. So, Ms Catherine specifically doesn't allow anyone to ride him." The mother explained

"Then how does it train and what's its benefit if it can't be used," this time it was James who asked.

"Only Ms Catherine rides nightmare and when she is not around a trained equestrian trains and exercises nightmare because people often pay to ride with him for competition." This time it was the father who clarified it all once not wanting to dwell on this unfriendly horse.

"How about Sister Katie rides Ginger, she is one of the best horses here and she is retrained so she won't hurt. When riding ginger you will be in full control and she will follow and she won't get tired because she has a good stamina." One of the children who was 16 innocently said not realizing the double meaning behind her words. But obviously Jeremy and Cindy did and began to childishly chuckle at the side.

"Ok then I'll take ginger and Jeremy you can ride with her." Katie finally agreed and then pointed to a horse which was currently sleeping and looked a bit out of shape. "And my darling will ride with me"

"Why do I have to ride the only horse that looks like a ball" Jeremy protested.

While they were arguing on which horse to ride, Samuel walked in looking very farm friendly, once he arrived the parents immediately recognized him. He was a great rider and their oldest son who was 20 loved to watch his old riding competition. Samuel owned nightmare's father who was even tougher than nightmare but he was able to tame him.

Immediately he saw the horse he automatically chose it and of course they let him ride it he clearly was a lot more skilled than any of the others.

They all picked a horse and changed into more fitting clothes for the sport, then they moved to the track and began riding

Meanwhile, back at Mansion Rosa…

Catherine was still laying weakly on her bed when she sensed something unfriendly coming towards her home, she reached out for her laptop so she could check the security cameras installed all over the mountain region and she noticed 3 young men coming this way and they didn't seem like regular local troublemakers they looked more professional trained fighters.

Looking at the men fast approaching her mansion and how bad her health was Catherine knew that she had to first make sure her employees were safe so she sent out a message to housekeeper Yen telling her to move everyone back to the employee quarters and they should all stay there until the others get back.

Once that was done she dragged herself off her bed in her short black lingerie and draped her robe over her shoulder before she finally left her room.

As she walked along her corridor towards the stairs she could already hear the intruder's footsteps. She climbed down the stairs with great effort and plopped down on a seat.

"Are you sure the girl is here?" One of the intruders who was very skinny asked.

"Yes I'm positive; boss said she would be here." Another really handsome intruder answered.

"But it looks like no one's home, or do you think someone tipped her off that we were coming?" the last intruder answered

"Hold on guys, is this?" the skinny man was now currently pointing at a pale Catherine who didn't even seem conscious.

"No this isn't her, but she sure is pretty" the handsome guy said as he moved closer to her.

"She looks pale and sick, why is she alone" the third intruder said as he moved closer to Catherine trying to check her temperature. Just as he was about to touch her, Catherine suddenly moved swiftly capturing his arm and flicking it along with his entire body across the room.