Chapter 80: Unknown familiar voice

Katie and Alex soon arrived at their hotel, Alex let Katie wonder around the hotel while he checked them in. she was walking around the grounds of the hotel when she heard low classic music; she followed the sound of the music until she approached a lovely garden with a beautiful pond and next to it a bench. She chose to sit on the bench to read a book and occasionally watch people in gorgeous dresses move around.

She sat on the bench for a while completely engrossed in her book when she heard a low muffle accompanied by a low thud. She looked up to see a lady in a great emerald dress and next to her a man in great tux. Although she couldn't hear their conversation, she could see the worry and doting love hidden in the man's eye, and how the lady seemed to subconsciously relax when she was in his arms. She watched how their little argument which unbeknownst to them was so cute, a little smiles pulling against her lips. Then finally she saw the girl give in to the man and they walked out with his hand not once leaving her body.

The strange thing was that she had a familiar feeling towards the lady, but she was sure she hadn't seen her before because her face was definitely not familiar. She shook her heard ignoring the questions once again feeling her head and continued reading her book.

After focusing on her book for a while, Katie decided to go to back to her room on her way there she heard a very familiar deep voice. The voice was so familiar that it scared her, she felt like she had heard this voce before but she couldn't figure out where ad the more she tried to remember the louder the buzzing in her head got and the intense pain brought tears to her eyes.

Ignoring the pain in her head, Katie ran towards the voice. The closer she got the louder the voice, she didn't even realize the big smile on her face as she ran towards the unknown familiar voice.

As she turned round the corner she only managed to catch a glimpse of the back of man walking into a private room and swiftly closing the door.

She felt strange looking at that firm and broad back, she had this feeling of longing, deep longing which she felt was strange she didn't know him right? Then the door closed and another strange emotion took over her, she was suddenly disappointed and felt abandoned.

'What's going on, get it together Katie' she internally scolded herself.

She reluctantly turned to continue back to her room, raising her hand to brush her hair back when she felt something wet on her face. She was actually crying, crying over someone she didn't know.

She walked back to her room barely aware of her environment and completely lost in her thoughts. She walked into the room and noticed that there were two beds and Kyle was already asleep in one, she glanced at the table were a few dishes were waiting for her but she didn't really feel hungry. She felt drained both emotionally and physically.

She washed up and immediately crawled into bed. In her sleep she found herself in a strange town but it clearly wasn't strange to her in the dream. She walked around as different people showed familiarity towards her but she couldn't recognize them. The more she walked the fewer houses she saw, until finally she was just walking around a white and misty environment.

"Big brother, big brother look a butterfly" Katie heard a little girl call out to another boy, the little girl was so tiny and adorable and the boy seemed holder at least by five years.

She saw the brother gingerly and warmly run towards his sister to play with the butterfly with her.

Katie who was still lost in the beautiful scene was completely knocked off her feet when a big scary man barged past her running towards the little girl, scooping her up and completely disappearing. Katie instinctively reached out to get the girl.

Just as Katie was about to scream for help she felt a bed under her, and all of a sudden she was sweating and feverish. She murmured "mama, I miss my mama" continuously.

While she felt like her life was going to slip out of her, she felt a warm hand grab hold of her hand and drag her up into his welcoming embrace. This man didn't have a face but she still trusted him so much. His enchanting scent and welcoming aura. Katie reached out to hug him back but she couldn't he gradually faded away until he was no longer there. Katie frantically tried to reach him but she failed she began to scream and sob very loudly.

"James don't leave"