Chapter 85:Katie I

"She agreed, just like that? Wow, I thought it would be harder to persuade her." Liam said as he continued to stuff food into his mouth.

"They are coming Liam and I want to disclose everything before they go back, I mean everything." Rose said giving Liam a knowing look.

"Alright, but why the rush? Samuel is hot headed and will definitely do something crazy when he finds out the truth about the baby, his sister and your identity"

"I still have to tell him, I'm tired. I just need my life to come together at last."

"Alright, I'll go check in on the girl you tried to kill" Liam said trying to lighten the mood earning him a disdainful look from Rose. " I'm going calm down"

With Liam gone Rose was finally alone with her thoughts which wasn't a good idea, so she decided to arrange all that's needed for her plan to take place.

Little island of Rose's - Infirmary

Katie had just woken up and her memory was a little jumbled, she tried to seat up and she felt really sore, this feeling bringing back a particular memory of a certain post birthday morning, she subconsciously looked at the the other side of the bed but there was nobody there just a drip attached to her hand and a bandaged up leg that felt numb.

"Liam good afternoon, she still not awake" Katie could hear someone talk from the other side of the door and the memory of Alex on the phone in the balcony came back to her.

'oh no, he caught me. I have to get out of here' Katie thought, as she put one leg on the floor then the other and pushed her body off the bed which she now realized was an hospital bed and began to move, she had barely take one step when she landed on the floor.

Hearing the crash Liam and two lowered Red Rose's with medical experience ran in to see a pitiable Katie on the floor moaning.

"Ouch babe, that had to have hurt" Liam said as he gently approached her and carried her from the floor then gently placing her on the bed.

Seeing the strange man Katie instinctively pulled away almost falling from the other side of the bed but luckily Liam caught her just in time.

"It's okay, I'm here to help you. You were injured and a lovely lady brought you here."

'A lady brought me here, maybe Alex didn't get to me' Katie's thought, although she probably shouldn't trust as easily but she was helpless and injured.

"Wh.. who.." Katie tried to speak but her throat was so sore from lack of water.

"Here, you shouldn't talk until you drink water miss" one of Red Roses sad as she handed Katie a cup of water. After drinking water Katie felt much better but her throat still needed some time.

"How about this,you let these lovely nurses clean you up and put you in better clothes and we go eat lunch and have fun. Have been waiting for you to wake up for a while." Liam said in such a sweet and calm manner that he shocked the nurses, that wasn't the usual ruthless Liam they had heard stories of.

Feeling a bit more secure with Liam, Katie gently nodded in response and obediently filled the nurses.

They gave her a warm bubble bath, removed the bandage on her leg revealing the scrapes and stitches replacing the bandage with a hard and firm red cast.

The nurses put her in a white summer dress designed with red roses and gave her warm, fluffy, and comfortable slippers with a big rose at the top.

"What do you think Miss" the nurses asked as they placed her in a wheel chair and elevating her injured leg.

"It's lovely thank you" Katie replied feeling a lot better

The nurses gave a warm smile before pushing her out to the main dining room where Liam was waiting.when they got to the dinning area Liam was already there with a lovely feast in front of him. Then nurses gently pushed Katie to the side of the table and excused themselves.

"Wow Katie you look amazing, and I hope you feel better now?"

"Thank you,I'm feeling much better" Katie replied with a lovely smile.

"Wow an angelic voice to go with an angelic face." Liam complemented.

"Do you have any questions for me Katie, because I certainly have a lot for you. I would like to get to know you better."

"If you don't mind me asking, where am I?"

"Well, we are currently on an island far away from the terrible world. This is The Little Island of Roses." Liam answered truthfully.

"Wow, an island? Why?"

"Because remember that lovely lady I mentioned? She lives here and she brought you here to make sure you got the best treatment."

"Ok, what does she plan on doing with me?" Katie asked afraid of the answer.

"She isn't going to harm you, she one of the few good people left on this terrible planet" Liam said with absolute awe on his face.

"So, does that make you a bad guy?" Katie cheakily asked.

"No I'm just doing my best to learn from her, alright enough talking. Time to eat" Liam declared like they were more than two at the dinning table.

"I thought you had questions for me," Katie said.

"I do but you need to eat first"

Then Liam proceeded to fill her plate according to her dietry requirements.

As they continued to eat they would occasionally talk and laugh, just as they were about to finish eating they could here the sound of stilleto heels hitting the floor.

"Hi,good afternoon. I'm Rose, you must Katie." A sparkling Rose in a white form fitting jump suit and a red fur cape draped over her shoulders,with her red hair clipped to the side with a gold rose clip.

"Katie, this the lovely lady I told you about." Liam said as he got up to pull out a seat for Rose earning him a look that basically told him to sit back down because she doesn't need someone to pull out her chair.

Missing the little exchange between Liam and Rose,"it's lovely to meet you Rose. I owe you my life, I'm so grateful for your hospitality."Katie said.

"Of course Katie, there is no reason to thank me, I'm sure you would have done the same thing." Rose said as she sat next to Katie. "Liam and I will be meeting some people later today so, that means we won't be able to get to know each other right now and I'm truly sorry. But, you can stay with Nana she will show you around. Is that ok?" Rose asked ever so gently.

"Of course I'd hate to be burden and j understand that you are really busy people. You don't have to worry about me."

"Good girl, let me take you to her then." Rose stood up and gently pushed Katie out to the courtyard.

As they moved through the peaceful mansion, Katie's mind was not so peaceful.