Chapter 90: Oh my God Katie!

"Katie" James called out from the courtyard but got no response. He followed the pathe to the rose garden and saw Katie sitting on a rose stool petting a tiger cub as her hair danced in the wind and her hazel eyes sparking under moonlight.

"Katie" James called quieter trying not to scare are away.

Hearing her name being called, Katie looked up first surprised to see James before replying, "hi, nice jumper"

"Thank you, you actually b... Nevermind."

"Are you okay?" James asked as he moved closer to her.

"I'm fine, I think." Katie replied with uncertainty.

"Do you want to talk?" James asked now sitting in a stool opposite her.

"If I told you what was wrong you would just think I was crazy," Katie said with a slight laugh.

"You can try," James said desperately trying to sway her.

Katie looked straight into James' gray eyes clearing her mind and reducing the pain that she felt everytime she heard his voice, for a while she didn't speak before final saying, "Do you know me? Have we ever met?"

"I don't know, do I look familiar to you?" James replied remembering Rose's warning to be careful and not push her.

"It feels like I should know you, I feel so close to you and certain things about you seems so familiar but I don't know why." Katie said relaxing a lot more.

"What aboute me seems familiar?" James asked.

"Well your voice, I dreamt about a man with your voice who I desperately wanted to see and he had the same eyes as you and I woke up screaming James but I'd never met you." Katie replied.

"Katie, look at me I mean really look at me. Don't you remember me?" James asked lightly cupping her face in his palms.

Katie continued to stare into his eyes and the more she thought the more the pain in her head grew and the weaker she felt but she didn't want to pull away, she couldn't she strangely wanted to feel his touch.

James had hoped for a breakthrough but the longer they stated into wcag others the sweatier Katie became and she looked like she was about to pass out so he did the only thing he could think of. James pulled Katie's face in before gently covering his lips with hers in a not deep but slow and passionate kiss which Katie returned.

Admittedly James had taught that with this kiss, this 'true loves kiss' she would magically remember and maybe in a perfect world it would have worked but in a perfect world nothing would have happened to Katie. This wasn't a fairytale they were going to need a lot more than 'true loves kiss' to help their situation.

By the time their kiss had ended, Katie still looked worse except now she completely slumped but James caught her before she touched the ground.

Holding Katie in his arms in the middle of a Rose garden James had never felt more hopeless.

"Well that didn't work!" Someone said.

James turned to see who it was and it turned out to be none other than Rose.

"You tried really but she need to rest, you can carry her to her room Prince charming." Rose said at an attempt to make things lighter, but it didn't seem like she could.

Rose walked with James carrying Katie in his arms in silence, not sure of what needed to be said Rose walked them to a room opposite James' suite.

The walls were had little red roses dispersed around with a white background, the bed was a queen size bed with also with sheets and black mini pillows.

Moving the pillows and lifting the duvet so that James could put Katie down, Rose decided to give them some time she could always come clean about herself tomorrow or next year.

After placing Katie down, James knelt on a pillow at the side of the bed holding her hands and watching her sleep. He fought his own sleep for a while but after sometime he too was asleep.

In Rose's office

"Nana, what's wrong with her? Why does she feel so much pain everytime she tries to remember?" Rose asked frazzled.

"Poor child as been hypnotized, and a tracker was placed in contacts won't on her eyes." Nana explained.

"A tracker? Nana we have to remove it before anybody can actually use it."

"I have already removed the tracker but whoiput in there already knows the location of your island. I suggest you call your black Rose's back and make sure your company and white Roses don't need your help because you have fight coming and it's going to be tough."

" I'll get to to!" Liam who had heard all that had been said immediately rushed out to arrange all that needs to be done.

"Also I said the poor girl had been hypnotized and only one person can reverse it. And she has to do it now, while her brain is still trying to think about it in her sleep."

Nana walked to the office door and let in a petite young woman who was known amongst certain people of her talent.

Nana and Rose escorted the yound lady to Katie's room where she asked to go in alone. Nana and Rose stood outside for almost an hour before the yound walked out.

"She should remember after a long sleep, goodbye." After speaking the young lady was about to leave when Rose held her back.

"You were the one who hypnotized her the first time." Rose said.

"Are you asking or saying." The young lady replied.

"I'm saying"

"Then you are right." And with that she continued to walk until she was out of sight but not mind because Rose was certainly not going to let her go.

In Katie's room after about a day of sleeping Katie finally woke up, she felt tired and weak. She could feel a hand holding hers and when she turned to see who it was she was shocked to find him kneeling with his head on the bed.

"James darling, why are you sleeping on the floor. Come lie down." Katie said but she didn't get any response so she light shook James, "darling?"

James had first taught the voice he heard was just part of his subconscious but when he felt her shake him he raised his head and he saw her staring straight at him.


"James what's wrong?"

"Oh my God Katie!"