Chapter 112: More drinking.

Waking up to her body being moved Katie instantly tensed.

"It's okay, it's me." The familiar voice coupled with the familiar scent put her at ease, she relaxed in his arms easily failing back to sleep.

James who had rushed into plane only to find Katie sleeping decided not to wake her up, he lifted her and kept her in his arms throughout the drive home.

Since Katie's home was constantly surrounded by the press and his penthouse was also crowdy, James decided that he would take Katie to his lake house on the city outskirts for privacy.

"How is she?"

"She's still sleeping but I think she might be running a fever. I'll call a doctor over." James answered over the phone.

"Alright, we'll stop by in the evening." Replied from the other side of the phone.

"Hold on, how are you? We haven't really spoken about what happened at the warehouse." James said with worry and concern evident in his face.

"I'm fine" the person on the other side replied and hung up before James could speak.

On the other side of the call, Catherine slowly put the phone down. She was supposed to visit James and Catherine along with their other friends and possibly Katie's parents and when she arrived she had to be happy and fine but she wasn't sure she knew how.

She had come to peace with a lot that has happened in her life but there was one thing she hadn't settled and it was pushed back into her face. The events that occurred in that warehouse played over and over in her head.

' "Kill my grand niece."


And everything is seems to be a blur after that, police rushing in and her men creating a wall around to protect her dazed self from the chaos. She didn't even realize when she pulled the trigger.

In the midst of her thoughts Catherine could faintly hear someone calling her trying to pull her out.

Until she felt a pair of hands in should was she able to come back.

"Are you ready?" Samuel asked looking at Catherine looking a bit lost. "You have to stop thinking about it ok? You are safe now."

Mustering up the best smile she could find Catherine stood up putting her hands on Samuel's neck, "I know I'm safe, and I'm fine I killed him so I know everyone is safe. Now let's go check on your sister." Catherine said pulling Samuel along.

At the lake house

Katie was finally awake, she sat up looking around the room she was in. It didn't look familiar, as she thought this fear began to creep into her spine.

As she was thinking about her means of escape the door was pushed open and James walked in. Seeing who it was Katie felt relief wash over her.

"Oh good you are awake, I brought some water for you." James said placing the glass of water on the bed side table. "Everyone will be here soon, they are so excited that you are back. We all are."

Katie stayed quiet with an unreadable expression as James was getting worried and about to call a doctor, Katie practically jumped on him squeezing him close to her body.

It wasn't a sexual hug it was a hug of comfort for her, she had missed him but she didn't let herself think about him until she was on plane back and now here he was being as lovely as ever.

The couple stayed in each other's embrace for a long time that they drifted off. By the time they woke up they could hear movement and chatter coming from the living room.

Hand in hand they walked to the living and to their surprise everyone except Katie's parent were there eating and laughing.

When they finally noticed Katie, they all got up to hug and welcome her dragging her away from James.

"I've missed you so much." Cindy said pulling Katie to seat down beside her.

"How was Swiss Alps? I've always wanted to go but lack of tolerance for cold won't allow." Jeremy said.

"Well I didn't really get to enjoy it given the circumstances but the view was breathtaking and helped me relax." Katie said feeling happy to be around her family again.

"We could always plan a group vacation to the Alps so we can all enjoy it together." James offered as he sat on the arm of Katie chair.

The group chatted the night away, laughing, drinking, eating and more drinking, lots of drinking.

Slowly but surely they all found a room to pass out in and those that couldn't make it to a room found the floor or the bathtub to be a good substitute.