Chapter 119: Coward.

Freshening up in record time, James was back in the kitchen joining Katie who was now sitting on a stool in front of the kitchen island.

"I saw Catherine today and she didn't mention anything about coming over tonight." James said taking a slice out for himself.

"That's because I just invited them over an hour ago, so they should be here any minute from now." Katie was really excited to get her brother and James on good terms.

Although Samuel had helped get the together, he still didn't like the way he treated her by leaving to a different continent for a week. So tonight she wanted to drain that water and push under a bridge once and for all.

Soon, Catherine and Samuel arrived and they all sat around the kitchen island eating pizza had sharing light conversations. Samuel told stories from when Katie was younger before she was taken. While Catherine sat quietly nursing a bottle of beer and only talking when spoken to.

James was well behaved, keeping has anger at Bay by repeating a mantra in his head.

'I love Katie! I love Katie.'

"So, I was thinking about taking James over to meet mum and Dad this weekend." Katie said speaking about her agenda for the first time.

"And you want me and James on good terms so I can tag along for the weekend and back him up, right?" Samuel said.

"Yes." Katie answered sheepishly.

"No!" Samuel answered with a straight face.

"No? Why no?" Katie who was caught off guard by Samuel's reply asked.

"Because I don't think he needs to meet our parents, it's not like he'll be a part of our family. So I don't see any point in them meeting." Samuel replied.

James sat seething, his anger beginning to rear it's ugly head.

"Samuel! He will be a part of my family!" Katie replied ready to go up against her brother.

"Oh so this coward that left you broken because of his insecurities is the one you want to spend your life with? I don't think so." Samuel answered camly, clearly not seeing Katie as a threat.

"Samuel! How dare you?" The person who spoke shocked everyone. Catherine had been seating quietly for a while and the anger in her voice not only surprising Samuel buy also James. "He is my brother and I don't see him giving you crap about being with me, except you've forgotten I'm also someone's younger sister. In what world do you think you have a say in what she does." To James and Katie it seemed like Catherine was standing up for them and she was but Samuel he knew that this was also because of their earlier conversation.

"This is so stupid, Katie you don't need to worry. Have faith in the man James is and this weekend will go well." With that Catherine stormed out of the penthouse without Samuel.

Samuel stood shocked and he wasn't the only one. Katie and James left Samuel in the kitchen leaving him to see himself out.

Not too long after James and Katie left could the door of the penthouse be heard.

James and Katie performed their evening rituals and preparing for bed in awkward silence.

"I'm sorry about tonight." Katie was the first to talk.

"It's not your fault babe." James moved to sit closer to Katie.

"I have faith in the man you are, I just wanted to ti introduce you properly to everyone in my family." As Katie spoke her voice began to cry showing the signs of tears.

"Oh Katie don't cry, come here." James pulled her onto his lap gently patting her. "I know it's not your fault, it's okay."