This world was created by 2 Gods, Light, and Dark. Light and Dark are Gods who have the appearance as a kid. Light like luminous figures, all of the body is shrouded by a glowing light and Dark is shrouded by darkness, pure darkness.
Because they are bored they create a world that is currently inhabited by billions of creatures, but there are 3 favorite creatures that they created. Angel, Devil, and Human.
Angel is a creature of Light creation and they servant of his own creator.
Devil is a creature of Dark creation and a servant of its own creator.
Humans are creatures created by both the power of Light and Dark.
Angel and Devil are creatures of Dark and Light who lived hostile to each other for hundreds of centuries.
The two gods live in different places, Light lives in Mega-Supernova and Dark lives in the Black Hole. They like to make their creatures on earths.