Miracle Of The Medical Path, Calamitous Boss Battle

Elizabeth immediately ceased her healing of Sun's left arm, opting to recover her Inner Strength to its current max capacity. Her actions surprised Sun as he had already seen her stop to recover several times and knew that she could go on for a while longer without having to stop. When she finished her meditation and returned to healing Sun, instead of continuing where she left of, Elizabeth drew the image of a Taiji symbol on the various acupoints of Sun's abdomen with every single one of the needles she had on her set — it quite ironic for her to know of Taiji without knowing about yin and yang…

When she was finished, at the very center of the symbol there stood the position of the Dantian. As Elizabeth channeled her energy through needles this time, instead being injected into Sun's body and dispersing to provide mild healing effects across the targeted area under the needles, the energy stood static within the needles until all the needles embedded on Sun's body started glowing white hot from the concentration of Inner Strength.

Just in this process of accumulating energy, half of Elizabeth's energy was completely used up. After the set up was complete, something truly miraculous took place within Sun's body. Slowly, as Elizabeth controlled her energy to move in a tessellated pattern across all the acupoints that were opened up with her needles, a mesmerizing stream of pure white energy converged into Sun's desecrated Dantian. And as the Dantian took up energy from dozens of different points in that calculated and complex pattern, it actually started to warp out of its destroyed state.

Elizabeth ran out of energy before she could completely restore Sun's Dantian to working condition. But in her first round of this highly specialized treatment, she managed to get the general shape of his Dantian back to the normal spherical blob shape of normal healthy Dantians. Sun could only stare at Elizabeth in what looked to be fear as he thought of the ramification for this sort of treatment being known to the public.

In time it took for him to add further conviction to keeping Elizabeth's healing prowess a secret, she had finished recollecting her energy back to another fully restored state. She was starting to feel drowsy again from the effects of constantly exhausting her Inner Strength and meditating to gather it all back up from scratch. But, since she was almost done, he pushed through with this last round of meditation and activated the Taiji symbol once more to promote Sun's natural healing abilities.

Upon restarting the healing treatment, all the holes that were present in his Dantian gradually closed. They were plugged up with the same metaphysical material that spawned its creation, thus when all was said and done, Sun's Dantian look to be completely normal and without fault. I mean, it was still completely devoid of energy and would need constant training to become powerful, but at least now Sun would be able to train with Martial Qi and become the top-tier martial artist Elizabeth knew he could be.

After a spaced out period of silence, Sun said "Y-you… again… What can I say? I'm totally speechless!" Sun eyes threatened to crack at the sides from how wide he was forcing them open. He had heard legends in the past of how amazing and mythical the Martial Acupoint Skill was, but to witness its reality-breaking powers first hand… It was an experience one would could not fully comprehend without witnessing the results first hand!

He could only watched as Elizabeth picked herself up from the floor and extended her hand to help him to his feet as well. Sun took her hand and also picked himself up the floor. He glanced at the floor and lowered his head in shame from the bloody mess he had left on her living room floor. But Elizabeth didn't seem to mind as she showed him to the bathroom — one different than the one she used to breakthrough mind you… — and told him to clean himself as she got him a set of clothes and made some food.

Awkwardly, he was pushed into the bathroom and left to his own devices as Elizabeth scampered off. As he was left alone in the bathroom, Sun finally started noticing the luxurious decor of Elizabeth's house. Just in the bathroom alone, there was a palatial style bathtub surrounded by pillars. There was a line of towels laid out as if Elizabeth was expecting dozens of people to bath there. And the variety of washing agents were a bit overwhelming, even to a battle-hardened Sun.

The poor guy could only struggle on his own trying to figure out how to operate the bathtub, as he had never seen such an over-the-top contraption. He hesitantly pressed one button… it started to gently rain. He pressed a couple more, and a hailstorm of freezing cold bullets ended up causing his muscles to seize.

Freighted by the dangerous bathtub boss, Sun kept pressing more buttons, but he couldn't seem to get the normal "shower" option. At one point he pressed something that caused the shower to stop and for the bathtub to fill up. Worried that the bathtub would overflow and his incompetence would further bother Elizabeth, he practically hit all the buttons on the wall and as a result… a sky-piercingly strong bidet awoke!

Sun had fought with the bathtub machine to its final phase and as a result the most savage and challenging round of the night came! The first attack by the bidet was its most impactful as Sun had no clue of this phase's ultimate ability. With seemingly unerring accuracy the bathtub shot a stream of warm water… right on its mark!

"Heeeeeeeeeeee!!!!" Sun was dealt a critical blow, his behind though remarkably clean, wished for death… But the battle was just beginning! The hidden bidet showed off its true colors as it emerged from the bathtub's floor, like a snake patiently biding its time for Sun to show weakness.

Sun could only put off this engagement for so long, as the bathtub was still filling up with water and would eventually overflow, thus he charged back into battle. But the bathtub was the bidet's own sacred domain, where it could attack without reserve.

Meanwhile, off in another room, Elizabeth was picking out some clothes for Sun. She had already cleaned up the bloody mess he had left on the living room floor, but as she returned to her room and evaluated her options, it immediately became apparent that none of her previous clothes would fit Sun.

Before she made the transformation, she was a big fat bastard, so all her double XL or larger clothes would just drape over Sun's body. Fortunately, she had just recently absorbed Saintly Forging methods. Thus, the solution to her problem could be found in do-it-yourself style.

Elizabeth took a pair of her old white pajamas, and began dissecting them with a finger imbued with Inner Strength. Because the material she worked with was not enhanced with any supernatural properties of either magic or qi, she managed to dissect the pajamas without any trouble.

Unfortunately though, because this was the first time she was trying her hand at "forging," when she finished and sealed the dissected clothes back together, the result wasn't too pretty. Technically speaking, this couldn't even be called forging as none of the skills of forging were implemented. But, it would be untruthful to say that without the knowledge Elizabeth now possessed for the art of forging, she would still be able to accomplish the simple resizing of clothes she had just conducted.

After discarding the trimmings she had cut from the clothes, Elizabeth folded her product for Sun and walked over to deliver the clothes. When she made it before the bathroom door, she could hear the sounds of crying? Confused and oblivious to how she looked, Elizabeth opened the doors and slowly walked over to the bathtub.

Sun was still fighting against the bidet behind the curtains. He was so focused on trying to turn off the rampant machine that he didn't hear Elizabeth enter the room… Suddenly, he could hear from just outside the curtains a tame yet confused voice saying "Uh… I have your clothes here. Are you ok? You sound like you're… struggling..."

'SHIT!' Sun felt like the world was crumbling around him… So many things had gone wrong and he could do nothing in this foreign environment. Elizabeth had done so much for him, from healing him from a near-death state to complete health, to giving back a chance to achieve his life's dream with the restoration of his Dantian. He had already made a mess in her living room, and now in her bathroom it looked like another mess would unfold…

Now, she had returned before he could figure out how to work the "esoteric" and "arcane" system of the bathroom, and he didn't have the gall to face her.

"... I don't know what I did, but your bathroom seems like it's trying to kill me..." Ashamed at his confession, Sun felt like it would be better to just let her help him get through the this embarrassment before the mess intensified.

"What? Are you an idiot?" How her "normal" bathroom could pose a threat to Sun, a so called "Legendary" class Mortal Stage Practitioner, baffled Elizabeth. And with no further thought she just opened the curtains to get see what the problem was.

Upon getting a look at the "situation," she could see Sun running around in the bathtub while trying to avoid the bidet's constant streams of water. She squinted her eyes in an effort to be digest what it was she was seeing, and her piercing gaze on its own merit caused for more problems to manifest.

Apparently, Sun was embarrassed or something as a noticeably red hue covered his face and he used his hands to cover his genitals. Now that he only had one free hand the battle against the bidet became even more difficult and Sun's mood further devolved. Then, against all expectations, Elizabeth actually entered the bathtub and proceeded to directly ignore any and all attacks from the bidet as she calmly turned off the entire shower-bath complex.

She turned around and glanced at Sun who looked at her much like she did him, back when he took that life-ending kick for her. The unsettling realization of Elizabeth's true power stunned Sun into submission as the daring girl approached him. She didn't even flinch while looking Sun, attributing his docile and reserved temperament to just being of a different culture as she pointed at the various buttons on the wall and explained how they worked.

"...and that's how the bath works, got it?" Elizabeth asked, sighing as she watched Sun peer at her from under the now room-temperature bath water.

"..." Sun could only nod and watch as she got out of the tub and pointed out where his clothes were. He didn't know how to feel about a girl seeing him exposed and showing such apathetic reactions…