Blatant Betrayal

As Atid's thoughts converged in conclusion, he said, "Is that so… Well, can you help her anyways? I understand if you can't..."

"It's not really a problem to resolve her current problem. Only… there might be a problem if she continues to cultivate as she has thus far..." Suddenly, a certain itch found its way manifesting in Elizabeth's chest as she noticed a very distinct heat. She stopped with what she was going to say as her attention was now placed completely on Sun.

With a cheeky grin, Elizabeth excused herself from talking to Atid as she approached Sun. She put her arm around his shoulder and said, "Not you too..." Then before the poor boy could refuse, Elizabeth dragged him to her room and shut the doors… For the next minute or so, all Atid could here from outside were the sounds of torture and sadism.

Elizabeth didn't even have to exert herself as Sun did nothing to resist, thus even with only about half his physical strength, she managed to toss him into her bed and similar to Jane, she started stripping him down. If one didn't know any better, Sun looked like a helpless sheep tossed to a group of savage wolfs, as he pleaded, "Wh… why are you doing this!"

Elizabeth stopped for a second before she had a flashback to a game she completed many months ago. In particular, she recalled a cutscene in which she — playing as the main character at the time — had a sensual encounter with the rival hero of the game. At the time she played as a girl as well, so in the cutscene, her character seduced the rival hero before using that seduction to teach the rival hero a lesson on caution.

As she recalled the scene, the face and expression Sun had was almost a picture-perfect reiteration of the rival hero. Thus, Elizabeth decided to have fun with the situation, as she mimicked the actions of the aforementioned game's main character. She put her face uncomfortably close to Sun's and whispered in his ear, "Why? You know why... Besides, isn't this what you want?"

"..." Sun's absolutely priceless face caused Elizabeth to break character as she started laughing maniacally. It seems acting didn't come naturally to her, so, as she laughed at Sun's childishness, she began sticking needles into his upper torso.

If literally anyone aside from Elizabeth did what she was currently doing to Sun, perhaps they'd already be dead; at the very least they'd be embroiled in a serious fight. But, because Sun had true trust and loyalty for Elizabeth cemented in his conscious and subconscious alike, he restrained himself and let do she pleased. He could tell that she wasn't going to harm him by how painless the insertion of her needles was and furthermore, though the maniacal laughter was somewhat unsettling, to him there was an irresistible charm to Elizabeth's voice; like that of a tinkling bell.

When Elizabeth finally stopped with the blatant insanity present in her actions, Sun gained the calm to ask, "S-seriously! W-what are you doing..."

"Hahaha… I'm cleaning up your sloppy work!" Through her laughter, Elizabeth began to infused her Inner Strength into Sun's body, though this time she used both her newfound knowledge in Fire cultivation and Fire affinity to correct the hidden mistakes in Sun's body. After she grew close enough to Sun, her Touch of Temp Innate Skill had alerted her to a leak in Sun's cultivation. Given the advanced treatment Jane would need after she returned, Elizabeth figured now would be as good a time as any to warm up her Acupoint skills.

However, as she started to work on sealing the holes that leaked Sun's Fire-type Qi, a nasty frown appeared on her face. Elizabeth stood up and told Sun to stand up as well. Her sudden militaristic change in personality frightened Sun, but since she was currently treating him with "Martial" Acupoint, he followed her requests without even thinking to complain.

Elizabeth grit her teeth as she commanded Sun to show her his Qi Connection, and after he did as he was told, a heavy-handed slap left a piercing sting on his face. The shock on Sun's face was hard to describe as he felt utterly broken by what had just transpired. Elizabeth was, after all, someone that he was starting to fall in love with, yet now, she had turned violent against him…

If only that were the end of it, he might have just been confused. But, when he turned his head to face Elizabeth, he was petrified as the usually mischievous Elizabeth was standing with tears in her eyes and a look of betrayal. Even though it was well into the evening and Sun had already taken a shower he was still in training clothes. So, Elizabeth clenched on his rash guard shirt and pulled him closer to her, before she yelled, "What's your fucking problem?"

"..." Sun couldn't even think anymore, much less talk. His silence and static expression made Elizabeth's rage burn a couple degrees higher, as she pulled up his Status.

[Status Updating…


Name: Sun

*New) Level: 9

Rank: Late-Phase Pawn

Affection Rating: Forever Loyal

*New) Current State: Petrified And Confused

Description: Your sudden and seemingly unprovoked assault and emotional outburst against Sun appears to have critically wounded his psyche.

Sex: Male

Strength 46

Endurance 50

Speed 47

Defense 46

Intelligence 13

Luck 8

Inner Strength: 4,021/4,021]

As Elizabeth came across the 13 Intelligence units Sun had at Level 9, the full extent to her capacity for negativity became apparent to the world, as she cried and hatefully stared at Sun with crippling amounts of disappointment. Seemingly tangible wisps of focused killing intent manifested and licked at Sun's vitals as Elizabeth asked, "All my hard work… Everything I did for you… Why did you have to go out of your way to ruin it all? Do you no longer wish to cultivate seriously? Do you not wish to take revenge for yourself and confront the people who abandoned you in the past? The people who crippled your Dantian?"

What came out of Sun's mouth was nothing but his deepest and truest feeling as the pressure Elizabeth instilled on him at the moment was nothing short of kryptonite. With evident fear quaking in his voice, Sun said, "W-what? What are you talking about! I live for cultivation! Revenge is my dream! Why would you say all this, when I've worked so hard these past two days in advancing as much as possible!!!"

"Advancing? Advancing what? Pure mediocrity and trash? What the fuck was the point in me restoring your Dantian if all you wanted to accomplish with it was nothing short of low-class filth?!"

"..." Sun couldn't say anything to retort as Elizabeth's words did make any sense. His heart was all but crumbling down in ash with every heinous word out of Elizabeth's mouth and to a certain extent, her forceful and unapologetic tone reminded him of his sister from back when he still lived with his family in the Mediterranean. Those cold and callous eyes… it was like history repeating itself only instead of his dear sister treating him as nothing but a resource, now it was someone that had stolen his heart. And as this bitterness consumed Sun, he almost lost himself to depression; even pondering suicidal thoughts…

"Hmph! Look here and tell me what you see!" Elizabeth's voice forcefully brought Sun out of his depressive rut, and her actions caused his mouth to widen with disbelief.

Before his very eyes, a truly perfect "Qi" Connection manifested as Elizabeth operated her energy to get her point across. At first, Sun stood confused as Elizabeth Qi Connection was nothing to be proud of. Aside from the speed with which she attained her Qi Connection, there was nothing extraordinary to take note of. Then, it suddenly clicked, as Elizabeth started transmuting her energy as fire.

There were no gaps… There was no variability… Sure, at first glance the Qi Connection was seemed average, if not a bit subpar when compared to other practitioners. But, such a stable and pure Qi Connection, it was perfection through and through. Even in the midst of his depression, Sun could only sigh to himself as he thought, 'Such a talent… Too bad she hates me...'

As if she could read him like a book, Elizabeth deduced what Sun ought to be thinking and her voice flared once more, saying "Motherfucker! Answer me! What the fuck is this?!"

"Your Qi Connection?" Sun said in a half questioning tone as he didn't quite get what Elizabeth was trying to convey. Alas, the ferocity with which has was stared at signified that his answer was not to her liking, so he continued saying, "It's the best Qi Connection I've ever seen and a testament to how talented you ar..." Without even getting the chance to finish his thought, Elizabeth slapped him again.

"Talent? You fool! This is what proper cultivation looks like. What you've shown me… That travesty of a so-called foundation… Che! If I'd known you'd choose to set yourself up so poorly I wouldn't have bothered to save you back then!"

Now, even though the walls in Atid's Dojo were soundproofed to superb quality, Atid, who stood outside Elizabeth's room could distinctly hear and feel an inkling of Elizabeth current state. He couldn't tell exactly what had happened to turn Elizabeth from the playful lass that dragged Sun into her room without a care in the world, to the current deathly demon that seemed to possess an endless amount of hatred. But, even though the situation inside Elizabeth's room seemed to be going down an unpleasant route, he chose to stay out of Elizabeth and Sun's affairs. Only resorting to eavesdropping unless imminent danger appeared…