Night Of Upgrades

Returning to the forge, Elizabeth, now free distractions, began the Melding process. Starting with the chest armor section of her armor set, Elizabeth used the biggest Bismanthium crystal in her possession to start off the integration. She superheated the crystal with her Fire Magic in the forge and right before the crystal reached the point of being bendable, the actual Melding began.

At an almost unnoticeable rate, The crystal began shrinking as part of its composition fused with the white and red fabric that made up her main armor set. The fusion process for the chest armor lasted around twenty minutes and would be the lengthiest process to get through. All the other pieces of armor were finished within thirty minutes, and in all cases, the crystals reduced in size by about 50%.

With the Melding finished, Elizabeth's armor had a fashionable change even without inscriptions. Aside from the obvious crystals now lining each individual piece of armor, the fabric itself now possessed faint grey and gold highlights to compliment the existing red.

Elizabeth moved on to the Engraving Stage, this time instilling Time-type enchantments into her armor. Though her image as a Time Majoring Mage seemed to only depreciate as time passed, Elizabeth didn't forget her roots. Furthermore, with her current skill set, it would work out well with Space and Time-oriented armor.

Elizabeth passed her magic through the armor and completed the Synchronization process before she finished the armor set by sacrificing the Peak-tier Time-type Magic Core. Before checking the armor's status, Elizabeth used up the rest of her Quartzite and Iridium to make bullets. Given how simple crafting bullets were when compared to making artifacts, Elizabeth processed kilograms of raw materials every ten minutes.

Two hours after she sat down to reforge her main armor set, everything was finally complete. Moreover, the intensity of this session was so extreme that she even broke through to Master rank for Forging.

[Alert! Breakthrough from the Mortal Rank of Forging into the Master Rank complete!!!

All Forging Principles rise to above Basic Tier

Forging Level 13 (114,375/142,500)

Current Effect: High-Peak Grade Mortal Armaments and ammunition forged by the user come out 30% more powerful.

Hidden Quest: Smith Rank Milestone #1 (Complete)

Difficulty: D

Degree of Completion: Excellent

Objective: Reach Basic-tier Proficiency in all Principles of Forging✔

Description: Reaching Basic-tier Proficiency with a secondary occupation as a Soldier Stage Mage is just about par for the course, but considering the rate of your improvement, we'll boost your degree of completion to Excellent. It's not very often that you get to see a Soldier level master nearly all the principles of forging in just one session, after all.

Reward: Supplementary Forging Principle: Sharpening

Bonus: Spiritual Whetstone

Hidden Quest: Smith Milestone #2 (Complete)

Difficulty: B

Degree of Completion: Mythical

Objective: Forge any armament or piece of ammunition of High-tier Mortal Grade✔

Description: Mhmm… Not only did you make a Peak-tier Mortal Grade Armament at Forging Level 13, but it's also almost at the Spirit Grade. Most of this can be attributed to the fact that you made the armor with materials of such high quality. But, we can't exactly deny the craftsmanship of the forging process applied.

Reward: Septima Fire Fragment

Bonus: Septima Fire Pith


Name: Elizabeth's Timeworn Magic Armor Set

Grade: SSS (At The Threshold To Spirit Grade Armament)

Defense: +150 (50 Chest, 40 Waist, 30 Arms, 30 Legs)

Special Effect: Temporal Attunement, Temporal Resonance

Description: Crafted from the Melding fusion of Dismantite Polymers and Graviton Bismanthium Crystals, this prized armor set was originally given to Elizabeth as a final gift from her master in the highest circle of Heaven. Blessed with the tempering of a Peak-tier Time-type Magical True Core, the defensive properties of this armor are set at the limits of what can be created with Mortal Grade materials. Created out of the basic Time Enchantment for blacksmithing, this armor provides the user with an uncanny attunement to the spiritual time around them. Temporal Attunement temporarily increases the user's affinity for Time while they don the armor, to the point where even non-practitioners of Time gain access to the two Mortal Realm Innate Skills all Time practitioners with at least Mediocre-tier talent possess. Additionally, Temporal Resonance boosts the user's Mortal Grade temporal abilities by 25%

Name: Core Quartzite Bullets [450]

Grade: High-tier Mortal Grade Bullet

Description: Crafted by the user, these are pieces of magical ammunition imbued with Neutral Magic and Basic level principles of the path of forging. Consistently, these fine pieces of ammunition came out with a 93% Refined State and quality inscriptions.

Effects: Damages entities up to Level 30. Typically fatal to beings Level 15 and below

Name: Consummate Iridium Bullets [50]

Grade: High-tier Mortal Grade Bullet

Description: Near Identical to the Core Quartzite Bullets refined during the same session. The only difference being these came out with a 98% Refined State to their origin being non-spiritual metal.

Effects: Damages entities up to Level 30. Typically fatal to beings Level 15 and below]

Elizabeth audibly said, "Yes..." as she nodded her head foolishly whilst looking through the alert. Now, there was just one last thing she wanted to finish tonight; an Enchantment. However, the Enchantment she wished to create was one of the most difficult variants found in her Creed of Spacetime. So, without letting the success she had built up in forging get to her head, she first left her room to search for materials to practice her Inscriptionist technique. She was running low on Bismanthium crystals, and couldn't spare to ruin a couple in the name of practice.

It didn't take long for Elizabeth to find some pieces of paper and wood with the help of the attendants aboard the ship. So, after preparing enough materials she returned to her room and began practicing with the paper. There was hardly any challenge in inscribing on paper as the material was soft and easily manageable. But in trying to inscribe a perfect enchantment, Elizabeth ran through a couple stacks of paper before she could consistently draw a clean run.

Wood was much harder to inscribe on when compared to paper. Being a hard surface, even if somewhat distant to the slippery feel of crystals, wood would be an excellent substitute for her to practice on before attempting the real thing. Fortunately, she had built up a nice foundation in muscle memory from the time she spent practicing on paper. Thus, she spent considerably less amount time messing around with wood, before feeling comfortable enough to risk failing on a real attempt.

Elizabeth grabbed a piece of Graviton Bismanthium and traced her inscription pen on the surface without using Magic. She wanted to mitigate the difference between wood and crystal by doing as many practice drills as possible. But given that soon, 5 AM would arrive, she didn't spend too long practicing.

Clutching her inscription pen with the intent to begin, Elizabeth figured it would probably be best to return to the sea in case the urges from her bloodline attacked her mid trace. She'd spent several hours on reforging her main armor set, adding on the almost hour-long session spent practicing her inscribing technique, it was probable that the urges would return sooner or later.

Flashing a look at Yrre, Elizabeth left her room and jumped ship again. She killed several dozen more fishes, but unlike previously, where she only killed to satisfy her Mark Of The Godslayer, this time, she stayed an extra couple seconds by the fish corpses to suck out as much death energy as possible. She might not possess a formal cultivation method for Death, but after passing through the ordeal to acquire Fire Affinity with no help, she felt confident that eventually, an Affinity for Death would manifest if she dwelled on its energies for long enough.

Given that her urges hadn't begun before she left on her own volition to kill, she felt her Mark stop fueling her murderous rampage much quicker than the previous time. Once more, after the Mark stopped bothering her, the rest of her body pushed for her to continue. Yet, time was ticking and Elizabeth didn't entertain the thought of continuing to cultivate Death energy.

She returned to her room and promptly began inscribing on the crystal that would serve as the base for her Enchantment. Naturally, even with all the preparation she did, mistakes happened as three crystals were destroyed beyond repair. Fortunately, she got better on each subsequent run and by the time she picked up her fourth crystal, she succeeded in drawing a most useful Enchantment. Along with notifications of her advancement as an Enchanter, Elizabeth saw the status of what would surely be a lifesaving treasure that would stay useful for a long time.

[Alert! The user's Speed, Accuracy, Precision, Energy Integration, and Course Correction Principles of Enchantment rise above Basic Tier

Enchantment Level 7 (18,592/25,500)

Current Effect: Low-Mid Grade Mortal Enchantments inscribed by the user come out 70% more powerful.

Hidden Quest: Enchanter Milestone #2 (Complete)

Degree of Completion: Legendary

Difficulty: B

Objective: Inscribe any Enchantment of High-tier Mortal Grade✔

Description: What kind of mad lass would pick a Spacetime Enchantment to be the second one she's ever made? Oh right...

Reward: Inscriptions Art: Multipass

Bonus: Neutral Pass Stone


Name: Transillusionary Return Enchantment

Grade: High-tier Mortal Grade Enchantment

Description: Crafted by the user, this is a Spacetime Enchantment made up of Neutral, Space, and Time Magic, and various Basic level principles of the path of enchanting. This Enchantment's ability is to hold gear when not in a battle. For a Spacetime Enchantment, the line quality is subpar and the energy integration of various magics is also lacking.

Effects: Possessing a capacity to hold two sets of clothes or armor, five weapons, and a whole cubic meter's worth of space for ammunition, this Enchantment can seamlessly withdraw and manifest items into its space or return the items already held within back to their original place.]