Saint Elizabeth, The Demon Who Cures...

Sighing as her ice cream was completely consumed, Elizabeth walked as a mortal would; slow to the point that it bothered all the people concentrating on her actions. She roughly calculated how many people she'd be able to heal given her twenty-minute time limit and after reaching the wall of patients with literally hundreds of people being ignored, presumably because their wounds were too severe for the competitors to treat, or treat quickly enough, Elizabeth pointed to fifty people and told them all to follow her on to the stage.

Confused, most of the fifty she had chosen to treat followed her solely based on the fact that they were given a chance. If not for her current ranking as the leading competitor in the Event, then because they had a small hope that perhaps their injuries may recover if they followed the white-haired demon before them. Alas, not everyone was ready to just follow along as it looked simply ridiculous to think that a single little girl would be able to heal fifty of the worst injured patients within a mere twenty minutes.

One such grumpy patient said, "Is this a joke to you? How do you plan on healing all of us in such a short amount of time?"

Not willing to bother with the uncooperative person, Elizabeth said, "Ok, you can go back, I won't treat you." Pointing at another random person, Elizabeth said, "You! You want to take this guy's place and let me treat you?" She didn't have to ask twice as some of the people here were desperate just to be chosen.

Bewildered, the man stood confused for a second before he realized exactly what had happened, Thereafter he cursed a fit at Elizabeth, saying, "Che! Pretentious bitch! I hope you kill all of them and get banned from ever participating in another fucking tournament." His words were about as impactful as the reactions she had already breezed through thus far into her tournament career; less than worthless.

Elizabeth took a whole minute to get all fifty patients from the northern wall over to her block within the tournament area. She had her acupoint kit materialize before calling for people to start coming to her for treatment. As all her patients were regular people, it became unbearably easy for her to heal them. Healing deep gashes, broken bones, displaced organs, and even severed limbs at an average pace of fifteen seconds, Elizabeth looked like a Saint as her touch itself seemed capable of restoring life.

Sighing, Elizabeth treated the last of her fifty patients with well over five minutes left to her time and though she didn't need to heal any more to secure first place as the runner up had barely healed even ten people, Elizabeth didn't mind the extra practice. Threatening to gaslight the entire arena as she left her block to pick up a couple more patients, Elizabeth smirked as she passed by the man who questioned her abilities earlier on. Now begging her to take him under her wing, Elizabeth said, "Sorry, as a pretentious bitch, I am not worthy enough to treat you~"

'Fucking braindead idiot! I don't run a charity...' With that final thought, Elizabeth picked another twenty or so people before returning to her block to conclude her performance for the Second Stage. Resuming with her nigh-divine healing prowess, Elizabeth finished treating her seventieth person just before the time ran out. Aside from her knowledge from the [Introduction To The Path Of Medicine] which she gained right at the very start of her journey, this kind of performance simply wouldn't have been possible without her Seamless Magic Connection and that Chaos Foundation she had built up to support an Intelligence Stat surpassing 300 units at only Level 20.

As she waved her patients away, all of them returning either grateful waves or bows of their own, all of the seventy people she treated were escorted to the judges VIP area to have the judges check and score Elizabeth's performance. Of course, given that she was apparently even more knowledgeable with regards to the path of medicine than the judges, there wasn't even a trace of wrongdoing in any of her patients; all of them being restored to completely healthy regular human beings. Alas, the same could not be said to be true for the rest of the competitors as not everyone was as ridiculous as Elizabeth.

In more than a dozen occasions, the judges had to use their own medical abilities to fix the adverse effects some of the competitors instilled onto their patients. However, since all the patients were made up of people willing to take part in the event even if it meant serving as tools for the competitors and even entertainment for the crowd, they didn't mind suffering an extra bit longer as they knew that at the end of the day, if the competitors failed, the judges would be obligated to heal them.

But, because the judges were made up of Spirit Realm medical practitioners, even if they were contractually obligated to resolve the patient's injuries, with True Qi and Spirit Realm prowess, the judges didn't need more than a couple minutes to judge and heal all the patients that participated.

After receiving the judges' information, the announcer once more took to the mic to state the results. Again… Elizabeth's win streak stood uncontested as she not only healed more than triple the number of patients that the runner up treated, but she also took on the cases literally no one else bothered to attempt.

Moving on to announce the procedure for the third and Final Stage, the Ailment Healing Stage, the announcer said, "Moving on to the third and Final Event of the Medical Event, unlike in the previous stage, all the patients being treated for this Stage are martial practitioners. As is the case, the remaining hundred or so competitors will be given thirty minutes to treat one person of their choosing. Given the nature of the ailments capable of afflicting practitioners, the harder the ailment is to resolve, and the higher the cultivation base of the practitioner being treated, the higher the potential score a competitor may receive. Now, for the next thirty seconds, the competitors are to list which patients they are willing to treat and going by the current rankings, the higher the competitor's current ranking, the more likely they are to receive the patient of their choice."

Since Elizabeth was currently in first place, she didn't have to make a list. It was absolutely certain that whoever she picked would be her patient for the event and given her supercilious attitude towards her competitors and the tournament standards, she didn't even think about taking anyone but the most critically ill person within the hundred people she could choose from.

Gazing at the hundred patients to the north, Elizabeth's roaming sight landed on a little girl who looked about five or six-years-old and her eyebrows raised. From where she stood a normal person might only take note of the pale complexion the little girl possessed, but Elizabeth could see the baleful undertones to the girl's affliction. Her eyes sharpening with Inner Strength augmenting their visual prowess, her expression to a turn for the worst as a disgusted frown made it seem like she was starting at evil incarnate.

The world felt like it froze as Elizabeth unintentionally released the killing intent locked away at the recesses of her soul. But only for a moment, as she quickly drowned out the desire to destroy not originating from her Fiendish Bloodline. With a looked so utterly bleak and monotone that everyone paying attention to her couldn't comprehend what was that set her off so badly, Elizabeth waited for the time to pass before immediately picking to treat the little girl.

Restraining herself by staying as still as possible, even if one couldn't tell by her neutral expression, it was evident that she was furious by the hellish mirage that condensed around her figure as Elizabeth had to wait for the round to begin to treat the little girl. If ever there was something she couldn't stand it was the abuse of children and looking at the little girl who was probably wrought with pain by just standing, it was near torturous for her to stay idle.

With time passing slowly as she only wished for the idiots around her to settle their disputes over what patients they would treat, Elizabeth didn't mind the use of her energy as she used her [Slow] Spell to pass the time just a bit faster. Looking every bit the part of a True Demon, the little girl she wanted to treat was downright horrified as Elizabeth had no clue her intent was still capable of impacting the people in her immediate vicinity.

Yet, the moment that the announcer called for the final stage to begin, it was like night turning to day as Elizabeth's face lit up as she practically teleported over to the little girl and snatched her into her arms to begin the treatment as if it was her that was dying to be treated. Taking less than three seconds to leave and return to her spot on the arena, Elizabeth's eccentric actions once more set waves within the spectating crowd as it was simply impossible to understand what drove her seemingly nonsensical actions. She couldn't be bothered to move at a reasonable pace when it was time to heal seventy people in the Second Stage, but when she only had one patient to treat on the Final Stage, it was as if she were afraid there wouldn't be enough time. Moreover, this being the first time a glimpse of her true speed was revealed publically, people started to feel she really might not have been lying when she said she forced the Beasts Tamed in the Beast Taming Event into submission…