Concluding Her Business In The Keter Estate

"Even us?!" Kurt and Maria asked as Elizabeth worked on fixing Liam's cultivation base first. She had already tested his affinity and told him what she thought would be best for him. After agreeing with her, she had imparted onto him the methods he would need to comprehend before she messed around with his Dantian.

"Sure, why not?" Elizabeth responded. With her newfound abilities to manipulate the soul, she had finished dealing with Liam by imprinting a reverse seal directly into his soul which he could activate the moment he reached the requirements to enter the Path of Extreme Spirituality.

As she gestured for Grey to come to her side, Kurt asked, "Don't you realize that our foundations have solidified? How are you going to 'fix' our cultivation bases?"

Without taking her eyes off Grey's exposed upper body, she said, "Mhmm… How lucky! Grey here already has the qualifications to enter the Path of Perfection!" She directed her words back to her parents and said, "Look here… This is how I'll fix your cultivation bases!"

She tapped Grey's forehead, same as she had for Liam, but because he was in the Spirit Realm, his soul had grown strong enough to instantaneously digest all the information she passed along. "You ready?" To Elizabeth's question, Grey nodded.

Then, as if by magic, dozens of needles appeared around Grey's navel as the fabled Dantian surgery played out before a live audience. Relishing in the first step of bringing her brother Grey into the same Extreme Path that she practiced, Elizabeth had a field day absorbing the energy in his Dantian. Looking into her eyes, Grey swore he could see stars of worship. If only he knew that Elizabeth was staring directly into his Status…


Name: Grey Keter

Level: 31

Rank: Transcendent Foundation

Sex: Male

Strength 1428

Endurance 1435

Speed 1440

Defense 1430

Intelligence 1455

Luck: 10

True Qi: 15]

"Fifteen… Heh..." The look in Elizabeth's eyes could be described as insanity concentrate as Elizabeth thought of the possibilities she had in her hands. These fifteen units of True Qi — the unit of energy those at the start of the Spirit Realm used — each corresponded to about 100 Million units of Inner Strength.

So, without much hesitation, if any, Elizabeth used about a tenth of Grey's energy to bring her hidden potential cultivation of the King Stage from 0% to 100% in a matter of minutes. She used another 38% of Grey's total energy to complete her 7th and 8th Chaos Seals of Transformation and the rest turned into Fragmented Grandmist which was stored as external energy in her Dantian.

The amount left unused in her Dantian was the equivalent to 778 Million units of Inner Strength and the only reason she didn't use it right away was three-fold. First, she still needed to consolidate her King Stage cultivation base. Second, even that ludicrous amount of energy wouldn't be enough to unlock even a tenth of her last Chaos Seal. Lastly, she planned on storing the extra energy until she broke through to the Saint Stage.

Upon completing her acts of plundering, Elizabeth grew serious as this was the first time she attempted to manipulate a Spirit Realm cultivator's Dantian. While rearranging needles and changing the flow of energy going to and from Grey's acupoint, Elizabeth slowly deactivated the fifteen small metaphysical blocks that existed in Grey's Dantian and even took them out of his body. These blocks were the "Foundation" that made him Transcendent and without them, he would momentarily turn back into a normal average human.

In his weakened state, Elizabeth started to work even faster as she vaporized Grey's original Qi Connection. She left him to rebuild a new Seamless Qi Connection and then remembered the phenomenon she caused when creating her own Seamless Magic Connection. With a helpless smile, she turned to her parents and said, "I just remembered… Grey might let off some phenomenon as his new Qi Connection forms, so..."

Before she could even finish, he started glowing normally, as any Mortal Stage Practitioner forming their Qi/Magic Connection would… Only, the glowing aura around him increased with no end in sight. Fortunately, Kurt said, "Don't worry, our Estate is built with a refined and insulated Spirit Steel Alloy. It would be as hard for someone to damage the Estate from the outside as it would from the inside."

Grey's glowing became all the more ridiculous until, just like Elizabeth, he fired a beam of energy straight towards the sky. In the next moment, before he could even react, Elizabeth was already working to put his Foundational Pillars back into his body. His operation took less than ten minutes to complete and after half an hour the majority of his energy had returned, rending himself able to prove Elizabeth's claim of being able to fix Spirit Realm cultivation bases, or even augment them.

Wanting to finish with her family first and foremost, Elizabeth turned to her younger sister and asked, "So, little Zoey… do you want to learn how to be a Mage?"

"Mhmm… I don't know? Is it fun?" Her response made Elizabeth question the notion that girls mature faster than boys…

"Fun? Well, I can say it's fun for me! As a Mage… I can do this!" Elizabeth used [Spatial Contraction] to very deliberately show Zoey its ability. From her perspective, all she did was take a regular step further, but to all those looking at her, she looked to have skipped a couple of steps to appear several meters instead of a single pace from her starting location.

"Whoa, that's like magic?!" Zoey exclaimed, looking evidently interested in being able to skip through space.

"Exactly… Now, you'll need Space Affinity to be able to do that, so come here and have your affinity tested. Even if you don't have affinity for Space, you can be like my friend Jane who fights like, um… an Ice Princess..." Looking over at Jane, Zoey could see some icicles circling around her in a fashion most would call "magical."

"That's even cooler!" Not sure if the pun was intended, Elizabeth laughed as Zoey approached her. She told Zoey how to conduct an Affinity test and after a couple seconds, a couple strange phenomenon appeared on Elizabeth's hands. Before the energies synergize, Elizabeth split them off into the tips of her finger and counted five unique affinities… Yes, in a world where it was already impressive to have two innate affinities, Zoey, someone who couldn't be bothered to start training, turned out to be a super genius with not just five innate affinities, but three origin-type innate affinities.

Space, Yin, Dark, Earth, and Lightning energies danced around on Elizabeth's fingertips for all in the room to see and as Elizabeth stopped fueling the energies with her Inner Strength, she thought, "Darkness? Strange… it shouldn't be genetic as neither mom nor dad have it. Could it have come from the Dimensional Upgrade?" She tried to ask Persephone, but the restricted goddess could only tell her to earn more Divine Transmission rewards.

Coming back to reality, Elizabeth turned to her little sister. As she patted her head, she said, "Congrats, you have both Space and Yin Affinity. Now, close your eyes. When you open them again, you'll know everything you need to know to be able to skip through space and cultivate as a Mage."

Elizabeth tapped Zoey's forehead before she carried her back over to her brother's sides. With Zoey left under Grey's care, Elizabeth said, "Now that I've almost completed everything left to do here, I'd like to invite you guys to return back to Miami with me. I'm preparing to return to the Shadow Realm to increase the rate of my cultivation's progression, and you can join if you want..."

Kurt and Maria looked at each other before Kurt said, "Mhmm… We'll have to pass..." Apart from managing Quantum Inc. and most of the Martial Society, they now possessed no extra time after learning that the Cataclysm was on the horizon.

Grey said, "I'll stay back as well… Zoey's training will take place under my supervision..." Only Liam and the rest of Elizabeth's friends agreed to go back with her. To their responses, Elizabeth said, "Alrighty then. We'll leave within the hour, so go to the docks. Oh, and could you guys teach Liam how to walk on water? We're not taking a boat back home, we're running..."

Gobsmacked, Liam followed Sun, Jane, Tristan, and Yrre out of the room. Leaving only Elizabeth, Grey, Zoey, and their parents in the room, Elizabeth said, "Now, with that out of the way… Dad, let's do this..." She watched as Time Qi changed Kurt's face back to his natural youthful appearance and after the man took off the top section of his robes, Elizabeth frowned before saying, "You want me to remove those scars while I'm at it?" His upper body looked like it had gone through dozens of near-death experiences as knife, burn, and even corrosive scars plagued just the visible sections of his skin.

"Uh… sure," Kurt said, after looking at his wife and feeling her force him into acceptance. He didn't feel a thing as Elizabeth passed Neutral Magic through acupoint after acupoint and magically erased all traces of past damage done to his body. When she was done she was en route to inserting the first needle to open up his Dantian, when she suddenly registered that her father was inoperable; at least with her current cultivation base.

Immediately, Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks. Looking at Kurt with a look of skepticism, she asked, "Exactly what level were you at before the Dimensional Upgrade?"

"Huh? I should have been around the peak of the Foundation Collapse Stage. Why do you ask?"

"Ok, now this is very important… In the Foundation Collapse Stage, what color were your Foundational Pillars before you broke through?"

"Color? It was like a reddish-orange" Instead of pressing on, Kurt kept quiet as Elizabeth's face became serious. She looked him straight in the eyes and said, "You are very lucky… On your current track of cultivation, you wouldn't be able to continue cultivation if you broke through again..."

Becoming a bit more cheerful, Elizabeth said, "But, with me around, you'll be fine. I mean, you'll have to wait for me to break through to the Spirit Realm to help you out, but it'll be fine. Trust me~"