Setting Up The Formations

Fortunately, of all the numerous and wondrous types of Formations that existed for Jane to master, she focused most of her efforts on defensive and cultivation-oriented Formations. There wasn't much of a point in trying out attacking formations with the level of weak monsters in the area. Aside from the auxiliary Alert Formation, only defensive and cultivation type Formations would make any sense in studying while in the Shadow Realm. She'd made no less than a couple hundred cultivation-type Formations as they were usually small. Even with just Spirit Chalk as a medium, she could vastly improve the effects of those Formations.

Of course, now that she was setting up Formations to support a Spirit Vein, Jane didn't dare to hold back. Forget Spirit Chalk, she was bringing out the best materials in her stock to bring out the best effects of the Spirit Vein. She directly materialized a jar of a Metal-type King Stage Monster Blood, and with unusual seriousness, she began outlining the foundation of a Containment Formation.

Jane played to her strengths and kept the diagrams she drew on the floor mostly Neutral. But as a general rule of thumb, she added one partition of Metal-Affinity Enhancing inscriptions to every twenty-four partitions of neutral inscriptions. She wasn't a Practitioner of Metal, but like Elizabeth's [Saintly Forging] method, her cultivation method for Formations came with basic inscriptions for all sorts of energies.

A couple minutes passed and there soon came the sight of a bloody, yet complete, diagram. It looked more like some sort of satanic ritual site than anything, at least until Jane displayed the next material for the project. In her hand, a teapot-esque construct materialized out of a Storage Talisman. After she dropped about 10 drops of a silvery essence from the pot onto the diagram, the entire 5-meter-sized plot changed from a bloody crimson to a striking platinum.

The completed formation even gave off a dim glow of silver for the ensuing moments after its creation, yet Jane didn't stick around to witness the marvelous scene as she walked within the Containment Formation to begin inscribing the next Formation.

This time, using a Neutral-type King Stage Monster Blood, Jane inscribed a Yin Cancelling Formation. This time bringing the ratio of Yin inscriptions to Neutral inscriptions to the opposite of the Containment Formation, Jane was sure this would turn into the most powerful cultivation boosting formation she had created thus far.

In total, it took ten minutes for Jane to complete both Formations and with everything set up just as she envisioned, she retrieved the Metal Spirit Vein to complete her masterpiece. She walked to the center of the concentrically arranged formations and activated the Yin Cancelling Formation's registry inscription before placing the Spirit Vein right in the center of the formation.

Miraculously, the Spirit Vein appeared to phase right through the ground. After a couple seconds, the air within the Containment Formation started increasing its richness of Metal energy. Outside of the Containment Formation, no one could tell the difference as the only practitioner of Metal around was Elizabeth's Clearlight Sparrow, Knight, who was still lazing around in his Living Storage Enchantment.

With Jane coming out of the pair of formations very proud of herself, she said, "Come, even without being a Practitioner of Metal, you'll be able to tell what my formations do when you come in."

Elizabeth, Tristan, and Sun, who had stuck around to watch her, all followed through with her suggestion. Upon entering the formations, Elizabeth checked their properties. It would be an understatement to say she was shocked.

[Name: Metal Containing Mortal Formation

Grade: Peak-tier Mortal Grade

Description: Created with the proficiency of a High-tier Mortal Grade Formation, this Containment Formation has been bolstered by the energy-rich mediums used in its creation to reach the standard of Peak-tier.

Effect: For as long as the formation stays intact, Metal-type energies will permeate outside the formation's bounds at a rate dozens of times slower than before. Neutral energy will also escape from the bounds of the formation at a slower rate, though it won't be as slow as the rate for Metal-type energy. The upper limit for this formation's containment properties is a ratio of 100:1 Metal-type energy within the formation to the outside.

Name: Yin Cancelling Formation

Grade: Peak-tier Mortal Grade

Description: Created with the proficiency of a Peak-tier Mortal Grade Formation, this Formation could have potentially reached the limit of Peak-tier Formations had the user used a higher grade medium.

Effect: For as long as the formation stays intact, spiritual air genesis is exponentially increased so long as a medium to pull energy from is stocked into the Formation's registry. Yin energy from the immediate surroundings acts as a catalyst to reduce the rate of expenditure of the stocked medium, thus ensuring a longer shelf life.]

"Shit… This is actually pretty insane." Elizabeth commented before she summoned Knight from his Living Storage Enchantment. When the sparrow appeared by the floor, it's immediate reaction was to look for its master. Yet, before it could do that, it felt the dense Metal energies in the air and couldn't help but freeze. Knight thought, 'This is… best cultivation place?' Though the sparrow could think and communicate with Elizabeth, he wasn't exactly capable for fluency as his sentience had yet to reach the human standard.

"Go on, little Knight~ You can cultivate as much as you want here," Elizabeth said, as she gave him a warmhearted look. She was imagining what kind of Metal abilities her "little aviator" would develop while training under this environment.

Alas, she wasn't met with joy, gratitude, or even indifference. Instead, Knight began crying in child-like manner after entering a panic.

After moving to catch her Tamed Sparrow, Elizabeth's smile grew worried as she asked, "What's wrong?"

"M-master, this place… it's… It's so sad! Can't cultivate. Can't cultivate yet!" Knight replied with a half-broken speech. Even if Elizabeth used her Basic Translation Spell right here, it would remain the case.

"What? Why?" Elizabeth asked. Her hands already sending probes into Knight's body to check for any abnormalities.

"I'm… I'm not true bird! Only true bird could cultivate..." If others could hear Knight speak right now, they would probably think it was a child throwing a tantrum.

'True bird?' Elizabeth though if only for a moment, before thinking about Knight's bloodline. It was just barely below the point of completing his Ancestral Awakening — missing less than 0.2% purity to complete.

"Mhmm… Ok Knight, calm down. I think I might be able to help you become a 'true bird,' but I need you to focus." With these magical words, the depressed purple-bodied Knight calmed down unreasonably quickly, before looking at Elizabeth with hope.

Giving the bird a nod, Elizabeth said, "Sit with me and try to use the energy I give you. You might become a 'true bird,' If all goes well…" Then, after the sparrow sat right on her, rather than with her, Elizabeth started guiding trace amounts of Grandmist Magic into Knight's body. The bird didn't even need instructions as it seemed to already know what to do with the energy Elizabeth gave it.

After a couple seconds of pseudo cultivation, a sort of natural limit was broken in Knight's body and without any indication, it shot itself off of Elizabeth's legs. Standing up from the lotus stance she had taken to hold Knight, Elizabeth walked over to her Tamed Beast and found that its body was currently being wrapped in sheets of Metal and Fire energy from the environment. Though, because they were inside the Containment Formation, Knight took in more Metal energy than Fire energy.

Checking on Knight's status, as the cocoon of energy quickly completed its formation, Elizabeth smiled.

[Name: Knight

Bloodlines: Peak-tier Mortal Grade Clearlight Sparrow [Ancestral Awakening (100%)]

Unknown Low-tier Spirit Grade Bloodline [Currently in the midst of evolving (???%)]

Level: ??? (At least 13)

Rank: ??? (At least Mid-Phase Soldier Stage) Tamed Beast

Affection Rating: Incorruptible Mother-Child Bond

Current State: Void

Description: Unable to gauge mid-evolution.]

Walking over to the others that had watched this event play out in shock, Elizabeth said, "My Tamed Beast, Knight, will probably stay like that for a while. I think it's in the middle of evolving." After she received a nod of understanding from the group, it was her turn to eye Jane greedily as she said, "Now, if you wouldn't mind…" She let her words drone on, on purpose this time, before materializing a couple more Spirit Veins and concluding her request, "Set up these bad boys for me and our group."

With a Spirit Vein for Fire, Ice, and Earth, the Necrotic Yin Spirit Vein, and the Supreme Duality Spirit Vein appearing before the group of unsuspecting Martial Kings, the immediate environment soon sparked with zealousness. Elizabeth quickly fought off the two boys from bothering Jane as she moved to setup the other Spirit Veins. Though admittedly, she was also eager to see what she would be able to accomplish with the other Formations completed.

After three-quarters of an hour passed and Jane began creating the Formations for the Supreme Duality Spirit Vein, Elizabeth suddenly recalled that she had Yin-Yang Dew. Thinking that Jane might be able to use the Dew to increase the potency of the Formations, she called out to her, "Jane!"

Startled, Jane stopped as she was about to retrieve more King Stage Beast Blood from her reserves. Elizabeth had called out to her precisely at this time, so as to not disrupt her while she was drawing. Now that she had her attention, Elizabeth said, "I have a couple bucket's worth of Yin-Yang Dew that I was planning on giving to you guys. Could you use some of it to enhance your formations?"

"Y-you… Did I hear correctly? Yin-Yang… DEW?" Jane reacted the same way a peasant would to learning that they had just been casually talking to a King.

"Yeah, how much would you need to…"

Jane cut Elizabeth off by saying, "I would only need 10, no… nine drops of Yin-Yang Dew to perfect these Formations." She then followed up by telling Elizabeth that she would call her when she needed the nine drops, before returning to work on the Formation.

For the next couple minutes, everyone aside from Jane who had to hone in and focus on constructing the formations was practically gushing with excitement. When the moment finally arrived to add in the Supreme Duality Spirit Vein into the Cultivation Formation's registry, Elizabeth was given the honors as Jane would literally grow pale at the thought of holding such a precious treasure.