Unprecedented Crisis

"Hmph!" Elizabeth squinted her eyes in annoyance as she looked at the fallen Spirit Realm expert's body one last time and incinerated it with Fire Magic. She had already taken all the woman's valuables from her body before erasing it from existence and one discovery among the woman's possessions had sent her into a seething rage.

"Perfect, now we can't even stay within the region..." Elizabeth shook her head as she put away the remains of a ring she had picked up from the ground.


Name: Viscount Lipra's Ring

Grade: Peak-tier Mortal Grade

Description: A ring given to those in the Irelian Empire with the title of Viscount.

Effect: Constantly relays its position through the resonance it has with the Nobility Crystal which is located somewhere at the heart of the Irelian Empire. Upon its user's death, the ring will self destruct and send an alert to the Nobility Crystal along with a ten-second recording of everything leading up to the user's death.

Side Quest 11: Defend And Conquer (Incomplete)

Spirit Grade Difficulty: D/C

Objective 1) Escape from the Irelian Empire alive.

Objective 2) Wage war against the Irelian Empire.

Optional Objective 2) Join the Agrian Empire.

Description: Oof, you've been marked! Good luck escaping the hordes of people that will no doubt be sent your way. You've not only made yourself an enemy of those close to Lipra for killing her, but the entire Irelian Empire will stop at nothing to kill you after seeing your appearance whilst donning the Infantile Wolf God Form. If you do make it out alive — I have no doubt you will, Miss 'I can fly as a Mortal' — It'd probably be in your best interest to join a faction and wage war against your enemies, lest they keep bothering you on your path...

Deadline: Unlimited]

"Fuck me!" Elizabeth exclaimed as she instantly came to understand her situation. With unprecedented haste, Elizabeth made her way over to her party and said, "There's been a change of plans… I need all of you to go back to Earth ASAP." They had never seen her this serious before.

"Huh? What are we under attack again?" Sun asked as he looked around with a dangerous glint in his eyes. His actions were mirrored by the rest of the party only to have their fighting will completely snuffed out by Elizabeth saying, "No, but we will be if we don't move and it won't just be one or two more enemies, but the entire Irelian Empire..."

"WHAT?! Why?" Liam was the one to ask as he had been the most spooked; it was to be expected as he was still the weakest one around.

"They think I'm a Shaman Priestess for the Agrian Empire..." As Elizabeth concluded her words, Tristan added, "Ah! Is it because of your transformation?" Everyone soon after understood as they had seen Elizabeth gain wolf-like features while her fight against the Lipra reached its climax. "According to the legends that were recorded in that jade slip you gave us, those retractable beastly features you exhibited are in line with the abilities of an Agrian Shaman Priestesses..." Jane muttered to herself.

"Right. After I killed that woman, the ring on her hand relayed a video of myself coming out of my transformed state and knowing how much the Irelians hate the Agrians, it'd be wishful thinking to hope they ignore my existence. They can't afford to let me live, knowing I'd probably turn out to be a pretty huge threat if I made it over to their territory." Elizabeth explained. She felt all the more sure of her assessment when she looked at her situation from the Irelian Empire's perspective.

Here she came out of nowhere, a Mage with the strength of a Spirit Realm cultivator, without a background or past history to speak of, and now she was shown transforming out of a demihuman-like state? What else could she be but one of the Agrian Empire's strongest spies; a Shaman Priestess! However, her behavior didn't align with someone who had been explicitly sent by the Agrians to spy or cause subterfuge within the ranks of the Irelian Empire as she had revealed herself to quickly; without rhyme or reason. That could only mean that she had awakened within the Irelian Empire's territory!

Naturally, what truly happened would never be truly comprehended by either party, but it was what the higher-ups in the Irelian Empire would think was the most likely case. This represented a huge chance as eliminating a Shaman Priestess this early on in their development that would ensure things stay as they were at the moment. Should the Priestess somehow make it past their borders and into the Agrian's territory, conflict would become inevitable as the special demihuman with legendary control over their appearance would make unbelievable progress and within decades grow strong enough to lead the assault on the planet's three factions.

A Shaman Priestess was only seen once every couple hundred years and would mark a period of dominance for the Agrians should they get their hands on her. Thus, depending on how quickly and powerful the head honchos at the heart of the Empire moved, she could be sieged anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of minutes from now.

Everyone gave Elizabeth a nod of affirmation upon better understanding the situation their leader was in. Knowing they'd only slow her down in the effort to escape from the Irelian Empire's territory, they waited patiently to be teleported back to Earth.

"Eeek! Please don't kill me. I was just following orders!"

"You saw what I did to your shitty superior. Don't speak unless spoken to and speak only of what I wish to know. Else, I'll make sure you suffer longer and harder than the viscount."

"I..." Biting his lip, the man forced himself to quiet himself with the advent of Elizabeth's killing pressure; pressure built from killing several Spirit Realm combatants.

"What's the cultivation base of the strongest expert in the Irelian Empire?" Elizabeth had already marked the man with her Talent Stealing Blood Seal. Moreover, she had stuck his body with several Soulstitching Acupoint Needles to gauge the reactions of the man's soul; guaranteeing he wouldn't be able to lie to her.

"I've seen up to those of the Foundation Collapse Stage while under the viscount's command. But there are rumors that the most powerful people, the dukes and royal family, have experts within the Core Formation Stage."

"Mhmm…" Elizabeth's visage darkened considerably as she activated the Talent Stealing Blood Seal within the man's body to give him a quick death.

"P-please s-spare m-m-me… I'll agree to become your slave. Anything, please! Anything but deat-" Without turning back, Elizabeth stole the other's man's cultivation base as well.

"Ack!" Elizabeth suddenly felt the backlash from using her 6th Seal of Chaos impact her body, but aside from coughing up a bit of blood and stumbling for a single step, nothing else happened.

"Oi, Sun you have any healing pills?" Elizabeth asked as she devoured a spiritually-enhanced sandwich from her reserves of spiritual cooking.

"H-here," Sun threw a small bottle towards her before seeing the environment around him change to that of Elizabeth's hotel in Japan. She couldn't afford to waste any time, lest she decided to stay out of the Shadow Realm until she cultivated enough strength on Earth. Thus, through multitasking, she ate a spiritual meal with one hand, pierced parts of her body with acupoint needles with the other, teleported everyone back to Earth the moment she saw everyone make contact, and returned to the Shadow Realm all within five seconds.

"This is my hotel. I should be back before the day is over. But, if you want to leave for whatever reason, just remember you're in Japan," were the last words Elizabeth said to her group before returning to the Shadow Realm and downing Sun's entire bottle of pills.


Name: Wood Yang Rejuvenation Pills [15]

Grade: Peak-tier Mortal Grade Pills (Threatens the barrier to Spirit Grade)

Description: Crafted by Sun, these are some of the best Healing pills one can find within the Grade of Mortal. Having fused wood and yang essences from over five primary herbs and dozens of supplementary herbs, these pills are as close to perfect as one can get with Basic-level Alchemical Principles.

Effects: Quintuples the user's natural regeneration and recovery rate for two hours. Eating several pills can stack the effect, but every succeeding use of the pills lower the increase in effect.]

'To the east, I go~' Elizabeth thought as she quickly shot herself into the air with Megadia already in hand. By casting, "Manifest Gravity," and using platforms of solidified space to both give her physical body a place to generate as much speed as possible and carve out a path through the wind to lower the amount of resistance in her path, Elizabeth easily broke 10,000 kilometers per hour after returning to perfect health.

Still, as she needed to cross well over 15,000 kilometers there was a chance she might be intercepted as the disruption of her overblown rush in the sky would alert anyone with even a decent amount of cultivation. The sound alone of her ludicrous speed could be heard by non-practitioners even from an altitude of several kilometers. However, Elizabeth gambled that it would be best to alert people while running away as fast as possible instead of trying to sneak out after Spirit Realm experts showed up; that would be wishful thinking.

It couldn't be stressed enough how much her existence meant to the Irelian Empire. She was a threat to the entire system, capable of maturing into a powerhouse that would lead the Empire's enemy into a Golden Age of dominance; a Shaman Priestess! Thus, Elizabeth assured herself that even if all the powerhouses of the Irelian Empire didn't show up, most of them probably would.