Merciful Sun

"Finally, a win!" Elizabeth cheered, as Edgar, the disciple who studied Yang Magic under her, secured her first win after suffering a total of four losses in a row. Sadly, no one, not even Edgar who had secured the win, shared in her joy; everyone was too busy worrying about the god-awful sounds of war that came from beyond the ocean horizon.

The battles between Sun and his sister, and Tristan and his grandfather had raged on for close to ten minutes by now. Somehow, they had barely died down in intensity; some genuinely believed it actually got more intense as time passed. Elizabeth didn't seem too worried and she has good reason for her behaviour. Unbeknownst to everyone present, she was keeping a close eye on her companion's battles through Spatial Ripple Magic; using Incantations, of course.


Name: Ripple Sonar

Spirit Grade: F (Void Spell Seed: Base "Detect" Incantation)

Energy Cost: Varies; 10,000,000 units of Space Magic for the greatest effect

Description: Based off the crude method for detection the user had been using intuitively in the past, this incantation-powered skill launches a wave of sensitive spatial ripples that scan the environment.

Current Effect: Depends on how much Spatial Magic is charged before the Spell is cast. At no expenditure — using only the space within the user's absolute domain — a scan covering 150 meters is expelled. Using the Spell at its highest level for your current status, the radius of the scan increases to just over two kilometers.]

With snacks keeping her Magic reserves perpetually full, Elizabeth supervised the battles of her party's Alchemist and Enchanter. Though, for all the nonchalance she displayed during her apprentices battles, internally she was quite worried; for Tristan anyway. Sun's battle wasn't a cakewalk, but at least he was doing some amount of damage. The same could not be said in Tristan's case as the old man seemed immortal; no amount of damage — be they cuts, or blunt trauma — remained as the darkness in his body healed all the wounds Tristan inflicted.

"Kemper?" Elizabeth questioned as she saw one of her most prodigious apprentices rise up to the occasion. "You're in what, the Intermediate, no, the Late Phase of the Pawn Stage? Nice~"

With her next fighter chosen, Elder Tie inevitably picked someone to match Kemper and another Pawn-level sparring match broke out by the beach shore. Of course, beside the two individuals concentrating on the fight before them and their respective teachers, most of the attention was placed on ocean front were the battles that transcended the Mortal Realm were beginning to heat up in the most literal sense possible.

Sun's Infernal Space Gauntlet met his sister Emilia's sword for the umpteenth time, which resulted in the ocean water beneath them caving in, only this time, Sun became merciless; even to himself. Whereas before he would at most block with his palm, this time all five of his left hand's fingers wrapped around his enemy's blade, getting cuts almost all the way through to his finger joints in the process just so he could get a finishing blow in.

Glaring menacingly, he spared no hesitation even when confronted with the pleading eyes of his sister to pull his right pointer finger back from where her Dantian would be located. Scoffing in that fraction of a second while they were staring at each other, both knowing the total superiority Sun possessed at this very moment, Sun whispered, "This will be the last time I tell you to fuck off…"

The beam that had long since been fully charged to the highest damage potential he could still control fired and from Emilia's back a dozen or so beams shot into the sky through the exit wounds they created. Emilia stood paralyzed thereafter, sweating profusely as she understood just the kind of position she had been in, while Sun's hatred barely died down even as he lashed out with a full powered kick.

Sun watched on while chugging down another bottle of pills as his sister flew beyond the horizon. His shredded left hand clenched so tightly despite the fact that he was bleeding what would amount to a small puddle had his blood not been leaking into the ocean. "Tsk," Sun though not exactly satisfied with the result of the battle, somewhat lamenting his own nature, took a deep breath and let the fury of his Yang-empowered flames consume his body as a form of release.

Sure, killing and or getting revenge via torture or crippling her Dantian was attainable. Just now he had been in a position where he could do whatever he wanted. However, when he looked at his sister, "that fucking wench," as he thought of her, and even the rest of his "trash for a family," he couldn't help but think of Atid, the people of his dojo, and Elizabeth; family.

He might have been used by his family in the cold and cruel world of cultivation and then abandoned like trash, brought about to stay vengeful and psychotic, but it was out of his nature to reciprocate such animosity. One need not look any further than how Sun and Elizabeth came to be together to understand that his actions of that night where she was almost kidnapped spoke for themselves.

Few, if any members of ANY faction would do what he did — defend and pursue some random new member of their faction; this was doubly true, considering his lack of cultivation at the time. And his reason for doing so? His reason for rescuing some random girl where at the time she hadn't even been training for half a week, what was it again? Call it chivalry, or just an obsession with protecting his family, he just acted in accordance with his nature.

His "sister," though only true in a biological sense, was sadly still considered family in his eyes and he couldn't bear to put her through what his family had done to him. In his twisted way of looking at the events of the past, his family had given him a chance by abandoning him and not outright killing him. So, he felt obligated to respond with equal "mercy," now that he had the power to retaliate.

However… as he watched the power of his kick carry her out past the horizon, Sun, cloaked in Pure Yang Flames and all, cursed under his breath, "That was my last warning…" Perhaps a completely different Sun would appear should his family attempt to bother him ever again. Everyone has limits to their patience, and if this was Sun showing leniency, who knows what kind of monster he might turn into given the right combination of circumstances.


Name: Sun

Level: 30

Rank: Peak-Phase Martial Saint [Pure Yang Martial Saint]

Affection Rating: Forever Loyal

Sex: Male

Strength ~1600

Endurance ~1650

Speed ~1600

Defense ~1600

Intelligence ~800

Luck 9

Inner Strength: ~789 Million

Yang Affinity

*New) Tier: Good

Pure Yang Qi Connection

*New) Grade: Mortal (Pseudo Spirit)]

As Sun skipped along invisible space footholds to stand by Elizabeth's side once more, he was given a pat on the shoulder as a tray of delicacies were shoved into his ribcage. "I knew you would floor her," Elizabeth cheered, happy to see someone aside from herself achieve the borderline impossible task of defeating a Spirit Realm combatant whilst they themselves were in the Mortal Realm. More than anything, she was beyond happy to see Sun finally get his Yang Affinity up to Good tier as that would mean he could breakthrough to the Transcendent Foundation Stage of cultivation soon.

Sun accepted the food shying away from the compliment as he took a seat and started eating Elizabeth's heavenly cooking. As he delighted in both the taste of the food and its effects which complimented the pills he had already ingested, Sun was overwhelmed as one of Elizabeth's students, Edgar, ran up to him with stars in his eyes asking about his abilities with Yang.

"Teacher Elizabeth told me about you, but her words can't do justice to that amazing display of Yang you put on. I could even feel the heat and resolution in your Yang Qi from over here!" Edgar said, not at all realizing he had technically disrespected Elizabeth. Only the hissess that came his way from some of his peers led him to the realization, but fortunately Elizabeth was beyond caring over such a harmless comment; his words could barely be considered disrespect as they were true, after all.

"Right, you're the Yang Mage, right?" Sun asked after swallowing a mouthful of piping-hot soup.

Met with the stars in the boy's eyes intensifying at the thought of being acknowledged, Sun thought he was probably on the mark. His guess was affirmed as Edgar humbly said, "I'm only an apprentice for now. A true Mage is supposed to have Spells after all…"

"Spells?" Sun thought to himself, 'How is Elizabeth supposed to teach Yang Spells to this kid? I'm pretty sure she doesn't even have Yang Affinity…'

"Yeah," the boy sighed before continuing, "At most, I can fortify my body and get a bit of a regeneration boost like this…" He paused to gather a bit of Yang Magic before chanting, "Fill my body and cleanse the world: Yang Boost!"

Still, Edgar looked disappointed despite his now glowing figure as he commented, "So much for being a Mage… I can't think of a single offensive spell, only defensive and auxiliary one's like this."

When he asked and learned from the boy of how he went about creating the spell, Sun began sharing the method of his Yang Beam. Explaining the idea behind empowering his flames with Yang and not just using Yang Qi by itself. As he taught, if only out of goodwill as he liked the boy's humble attitude, and Elizabeth's apprentices continued fighting with the disciples of the Steadheart Sect's Outer Sect, Tristan's battle against his grandfather out at sea still raged on.