At Last, It Begins

"Hmph," Elizabeth snorted.

Sophie had just finished recounting all the annoyances Jhan had provided for Atid and the dojo.

"That asshole really was lucky I was away," She continued, "If I had been here, his pitiful attempt at securing a way out would have amounted to fertilizer for my Death Skills."

Before she could continue, Jane, Liam, and Atid all entered the communal kitchen. The momentary spike in her killing intent from when she had learned of Atid's injuries had alerted them to her presence.

Seeing Atid walk in with his missing eyes and leg, left Elizabeth's eyes narrowed for the slightest of moments before she addressed the man and asked, "Why haven't you sought a Medical Practitioner to heal your injuries yet?"

"Er… Why?" Atid repeated, more than a little confused.

Seeing the incredulous look on his face, caused black lines to form on Elizabeth's as she recalled that she was once again on Earth. Where Medicine and most Secondary Occupations were just now starting to enter a revolution into the Spirit Grade.

"Don't tell me its because the people here can't do it," Elizabeth said. Though before she could finish, a sigh she tried to suppress slipped out from the reactions of everyone in the room.

"Welp, I guess this is as good a chance as ever for me to try out some of the Spirit Grade Acupoint procedures," She shrugged her shoulders.

"Anyway," Elizabeth stood up and turned to address Jane as she said, "I've got a special proposition for you."

Turning to her brother, she continued, "And I guess you can come too if you want."

She arranged to meet them after she treated Atid and then started treating him right there in the kitchen.

Opting to treat his missing leg first, Elizabeth formed a healing array of Soulstitching Acupoint Needles that spanned the entirety of his body. Though, over half the needles were concentrated near the stub.

However, before she activated the array with any of her True Qi, she asked, "This could take a while without any supplements. Do you have any Yang-type herbs?"

Atid took out a talisman from his pocket and said, "I've had to use these since that encounter with Jhan to sustain proper levels of Yang in my body. However, since the potency I need to feel normal is pretty low, so is the quality of the herbs."

"Hmm," Elizabeth groaned as she activated the talisman and found a bunch of Mid to High Tier Mortal Grade Yang-type Herbs. However, there were too many strains for her to be able to safely use them all.

Making rapid appraisals of all the herbs, she quickly separated them and kept the usable bunch while sealing all the others back into the talisman. With all the preparations complete, she activated the healing array and closed her eyes.

Her focus was paramount in this operation as she wanted to master the levels of the healing array quickly. Thus, she started at the basic level of limb reconstruction surgery. With just the Yin and Yang energies flowing through Atid's meridians, she got his stump of a leg to start wriggling and eventually open up the skin muscle and bone to start the regeneration.

About thirty minutes later and three inches of regrown leg later, Elizabeth felt confident enough to introduce a Mid Tier Mortal Grade herb. Though it might have been an herb of trifling quality for someone in the Spirit Realm, it was dozens of times more potent than the energy Elizabeth could manipulate within Atid's body. Proportionally, it was also dozens of times more difficult to properly control as all it would take was a small slip up for the healing process to become a poisoning.

For about ten minutes, Elizabeth went about figuring out the process as carefully as possible to not have any accidents and another five inches of Atid's leg regrew. She would move up the speed of healing as her proficiency in her Acupoint Skill rose and just barely reached the point of using High Tier Mortal Grade herbs before finishing about an hour later.

With the experience of regrowing a leg, fresh on her mind, it became dozens of times easier for her to regrow his missing eye. Overall, the entire process took less than five hours.

"For the next couple months I suggest you take it easy with the regrown body parts," Elizabeth said as she resealed her Soulstitching Acupoint kit into her Spatial Ring. "Right now, they are comparable to parts of someone without any cultivation and they will continue to be like that until you retrain them up to the level of the rest of your body."

"Thank you… again," Atid said.

Elizabeth left him with a plate of her spiritual food to boost the retraining process before retreating to her room.

Liam and Jane were in the latter's room as Elizabeth had told them Atid's operation would take several hours. Thus, after knocking on Jane's room and getting their attention, Elizabeth brought them over to her own room.

"So," Elizabeth started, "In the Shadow Realm, our group went to a Danger Zone that's modeled after the legacy site of a high ranking Cultivator. Anyway, to get to the point, the legacy site's creator studied Yang, Lightning, Ice, and Water in that order from highest achievements to lowest."

Turning to her brother, she continued, "Passing the legacy trials probably won't yield any worthwhile Skills considering the types of energy you study. But the experience of training up your Earth and Space Understanding against the Trials there might be to your liking."

Facing Jane, she continued, "Ice is just a supplemental Law the legacy's progenitor cultivated, but the rewards you might earn will definitely be worth the effort it will take to secure them."

She produced a bit of her Ice True Qi to show Jane what she meant, and concluded, "My Understanding of Ice reached this level after just completing the first instance in the Trial of Ice. Yours might even come close to that of a Core Formation Stage Cultivator if you continue through to the end. Not to mention the place is a wonderland for cultivating with Ice Qi."

Jane helplessly smiled as she said, "I guess there's no reason to decline such a great opportunity. It'll just be a shame if I miss Jhan dying to an array powered by his own Qi."

Liam didn't even have to think. His boredom transcended whatever pain Yrre inflicted on him during their insane training sessions.

He said, "I'm in."

One activation of the Shadow Realm Gateway Time Art later and Elizabeth, Liam, and Jane appeared near the spot Elizabeth teleported out of in the Shadow Realm. After Elizabeth's Time Affinity, and by proxy her Understanding of Time, increased past the threshold of Good Tier, the time distortion between the Shadow Realm and Earth's Dimension also intensified.

With the ratio currently at 36:24, the seven or so hours Elizabeth had spent on Earth translated as nearly half a day in the Shadow Realm.


"I hope none of you waited all those hours for me when you could have been training," Elizabeth palmed her forehead as she felt a sense of deja vu. She had assumed her Wolf Form before teleporting into the Shadow Realm.

"Anyway," she continued, "Since the Trials of this Danger Zone aren't that high a priority for me at the moment, you guys can just do whatever you want until I get back."

"Very well," Ygny spoke for his group, "We'll stay with your friends and see to it that no one gets any ideas just because they're humans until you get back."

With a nod, Elizabeth went over to Yrre and took out an unassuming cyan-colored badge. Just the slightest input of her energy activated the Cyan Badge as it only needed to register her True Qi to confirm the prerequisite for activation.

Before the two women, space seamlessly split into a stable void, utterly terrifying everything with a Cultivation Base in the Spirit Realm who was around to see it. Somehow, there were no energy ripples and with regards to Elizabeth, that was for the best. Else, the highest-ranking Cultivators in the galaxy would be alerted.

After Elizabeth and Yrre crossed into the void, it quietly closed without so much as a shake in the local space such that Ygny and the others right next to it wouldn't have been able to sense it having ever existed if not for their most basic sense of sight.

"Was the Sky Seizing Castle always this intimidating?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, considering the last time you came here you hadn't even entered the Pawn Stage of the Mortal Realm, it makes sense you wouldn't be able to pick up on the more subtle auras that the Castle projects. Then again, even as a Transcendent Foundation Stage Cultivator, you're far from comprehending the depth of the auras as even I, at my highest point, was incapable of that." Yrre said.

"Hmm…" Elizabeth stood still for a moment as she established contact with Persephone.

She asked her Sponsor Goddess, "Persephone, since this dimension runs on the same time as Earth, does that mean that its distortion about the Shadow Realm is also 36:24?"

"Technically, all dimensions on the same Plane run at the same time. Time distortion on the scale of entire dimensions is something only someone with Divinity can accomplish. Your Shadow Realm Gateway has that Property of Divinity granted as it relates from any dimension to the Shadow Realm," Persophone explained.

"So, I'm like a Time Lord for the Shadow Realm. Its rate of time as it relates to all other dimensions speeds up as my Understanding of Time increases?" Elizabeth asked.

"You may think of it that way. Though, you may opt for the distortion of time to either speed up, slow down, or remain as it should be. It does not necessarily have to speed up, even if that would be of most use to you while you are in the Spirit Realm." Persephone added.

"Thanks," Elizabeth stopped conversing through her mind and returned to the reality before her.

She was inside the Sky Seizing Castle's round room once more. Like clockwork, the moment she internalized where she was, a familiar sensation of energy passing through her body followed a prompt similar to that of her Goldfinger notifications.

[Welcome, Honorary Disciple

Past Performance:

Mortal Realm Energy Cultivation: Chaotic Mage Saint (Highest Achievement)

Mortal Realm Body Cultivation: 20 Divine Meridians & 108 Heavenly Acupoints (Highest Achievement)

Trial of Foundation: ??? (Highest Mortal | Godly)

Trial of Time: Mortal Realm 1?? (Beyond Saint)

Trial of Space: Mortal Realm 100 (Highest Saint)

Trial of Medicine: Mortal Realm 97.8 (Saint)

Current Energy Cultivation: Seven Pillar Foundation (Beginner Foundation)

Current Body Cultivation: Base Foundation (Beginner Foundation)

Talent: God/********

Time Remaining: 6D 23H 59M 59S]

As Elizabeth sensed the doors in the round room open, she smirked and thought, 'This time, I'll make the most of this trip.'