Chaotic And Sublime


Name: Elizabeth Ultimatia

Level: 35 (36/39)

Rank: Chaotic Transcendent Sublime Foundation

Sex: Female


Name: Chaos Seals

Spirit Grade: Incomprehensible to the user

Current Status: Seals 1 - 9 Complete (Base Grandmist 100%)

First Set Effect of Pressure: With the user acting as the epicenter, the heavy pressure of Chaos influences everything with a Spirit Grade of D or below, a Cultivation Base of Foundation Collapse or below, in a 100-meter radius.

Second Set Effect of Augmentation: Fourth Seal activation yields a 50% increase to all Stats for 3 minutes. Fifth Seal activation yields a 100% increase to all Stats for five minutes. Sixth Seal activation yields a 500% increase to all Stats for eight minutes.

Third Set Effect of Transformation: Hand and arm cultivation of a Minor Grandmist Constitution are complete. One pair of Chaos Wings are gained upon activating the Ninth Chaos Seal.]

"Holy shit," Elizabeth raised a triumphant fist enthusiastically before she recalled, "It's been, what? Nineteen, no, twenty weeks…"

"A hundred Spiritual Pillars better be the fucking end of the Transcendant Foundation Stage," she grumbled at how much she had struggled to get this far.

Originally the plan had been to simply get all nine Chaos Seals cultivated for the Foundation Stages and alone, that amounted to about four weeks of dedicated cultivation.

Elizabeth then thought, 'Well, since I'm already here, let's just max out all my Stats with Chaos Requiem.'

Everything had been going as planned as all of Elizabeth's parameters skyrocketed past the bounds of even perfect Transcendent Foundation Stage Cultivators; all but her True Qi reserves. Her pace took a dip in speed after forming her 95th Spiritual Pillar and achieving a Divine Foundation, but as always, she wouldn't stop short of perfection.

The 96th Spiritual Pillar took almost three days to form, while the 97th took just over a week. Close to two weeks of concentrated effort were required to form a 98th Spiritual Pillar, while the 99th took over four and a half weeks. As for the final 100th Spiritual Pillar; it had plagued Elizabeth for over seven weeks; to the point of not being able to form without her other nonsensical parameters.

Yet somehow, someway, Elizabeth came out of the meditation session with hardly a complaint.

'I've joked about it in the past, but this tolerance for the cultivation of mine sure is irrational,' Elizabeth thought.

She always figured truly long cultivation sessions would be right up her alley, but even she was surprised to come out of her first major cultivation session without feelings of boredom or restlessness.

A normal human would go insane from being locked in isolation for less than a week and she had managed to shrug the twenty-week-long meditation session off as hardly inconvenient.

Of course, the end had yet to arrive…

'I still have fifteen hours left?' Elizabeth thought as she checked the Meditation Room Altar's Status.

'Well, since it's already come to this…' She smugly smiled to herself, 'Let's just break through to the Foundation Collapse Stage.'

If the Chaos Substation Trial was anything like its first iteration in the Mortal Trials, Elizabeth would first kill herself before missing such a great opportunity to assimilate Grandmist and Chaos Energies.

Fortunately, the process of transitioning from Transcendent Foundation to Foundation Collapse could just about be completed by the time her time in the Meditation Chamber expired. If ever there was a benefit to cultivating an unreasonably deep and complex Cultivation Base, it was that transitioning into higher Stages took exponentially longer than average Cultivators.

Ascending from Transcendent Foundation to Foundation Collapse involved Cultivators cultivating their already formed and stable Spiritual Pillars instead of adding new ones to their Dantian.

The number of Spiritual Pillars one managed to add to their Dantian in the Transcendent Foundation Stage more or less determined how far along the road of cultivation a Cultivator would get; it was the reason that Elizabeth perceived the different "Levels" of the Stage to different types of foundations.

A Cultivator with ten Spiritual Pillars could at most reach the Foundation Collapse Stage, while twenty-five Spiritual Pillars gave rise to a Core Foundation suitable to reach the Core Stages of the Spirit Realm. Fifty Spiritual Pillars gave rise to a Nascent Foundation, while the minimum for an Immortal Foundation was eighty Spiritual Pillars.

Yet the disparity within individual ranks of each type of foundation also played an effect in determining a Cultivator's potential. Of two Transcendent Core Foundation Stage Cultivators, one with the bare minimum twenty-five Spiritual Pillars likely wouldn't be able to reach the Core Refinement or even higher Core Bearing Stage that the other Cultivator with nearly fifty Spiritual Pillars might reach.

Then again, it was always possible to advance in Stages of Cultivation and later come back to fix a weak foundation. But usually, that only happened in extremely specific and unlikely situations; essentially, it called for insane amounts of luck.

Now, for an irregular Chaotic Transcendent Sublime Foundation Stage Cultivator like Elizabeth, who had no need to ever look back as her foundation was as solid as conceivably possible, her method of increasing her Foundation Collapse Stage cultivation was to cultivate all her Spiritual Pillars at once.

Naturally, the more Spiritual Pillars one possessed, the more time was needed to progress. Add to that Elizabeth's special Cultivation State of being Chaotic and her Sublime Foundation had enough space to hold a truly horrifying amount of True Qi.

Hours would pass with no change evident to the Spiritual Pillars in her Dantian; this despite her devouring the dense spiritual air of the Meditation Room. Yet if Elizabeth checked her Status, the increase to her reserves of True Qi would stun even her.

Nearly twelve hours would pass before she crossed the critical point and was officially recognized by her Status Functions as a Foundation Collapse Stage Cultivator.


Name: Elizabeth Ultimatia

Level: 36 (36/39)

Rank: Chaotic Foundation Core Collapse Stage

Sex: Female

Strength: 11,680

Endurance: 11,680

Speed: 11,680

Defense: 11,680

Intelligence: 18,990

Luck: 10

True Qi: 1,000


Main Quest 8: Begin The Collapse! (Complete)

Degree of Completion: Perfect

Spirit Grade Difficulty: D

Objective) Reach the Foundation Collapse Stage (✔)

Reward: 5 Spiritual Pillars for each Energy understood to the level of Profound Truth (90 Total) + Situational Augmentation (Divine Transmission: Opal Devils)


Choice of:

1) 3 Core Level Reforging Crystal

2) 100 Spiritual Pillars of Base Grandmist

3) 2 Origin Energy-Technique Integration Cubes

4) 2 Excellent Tier Affinity Stone

Main Quest 9: Form A Proper Core! (Incomplete)

Spirit Grade Difficulty: C

Objective) Reach the Core Formation Stage

Description: With truly perfect cultivation in the Mortal Realm and a Chaotic Sublime Foundation, you've set yourself up for quite the hardship on the road ahead. Though you have the highest potential possible, progressing through to the end of the Foundation Collapse Stage and continuing on your streak of perfection will be among the most difficult challenges you'll face.

Deadline: 320 Days]

When the time in the Meditation Chamber finally expired, Elizabeth only had her now yellow-orange Spiritual Pillars to show. They had originally been white, then purely yellow upon reaching her current Level as a Chaotic Foundation Core Collapse Stage Cultivator, and were now transitioning to red.

She could only dread the time and effort it would take to reach the peak of the Foundation Collapse Stage if fifteen hours of dedicated cultivation only yielded such results. After all, the conditions in the Meditation Chamber were ideal and she had even been using her Yin Profound Truth to give herself a similar rate of cultivation as a Cultivator of the Extreme Path of Spirituality.

'Hopefully, the Chaos Substation Trial is kind enough to supply me with a decent amount of Grandmist Energies,' she thought as she left for the round room.

During the two weeks of real-time that passed while Elizabeth had been cultivating a Sublime Foundation and breaking through to the Foundation Collapse Stage, a massive development had taken place on Earth.

The Cataclysm progressed whether Elizabeth was there to oversee it or not, and the Cultivation Bases of Opal Devils slipping through portals of shattered space had steadily been increasing.

"It's as Sir Keter warned," an elderly man spoke to the heads of several top-tier Sects, Guilds, and Factions, "Not only have the number of invaders increased as time has passed, but their strength has steadily increased."

"However," the elderly man continued, "whereas before we didn't know the cause of the alien invader's rise in cultivation, today it seems the reason has become obvious."

As the room's atmosphere darkened with the mood of the people in it, Kurt said, "They haven't been evolving, rather, the portals of shattered space where they come from have steadily been stabilizing."

"This morning, for less than half a second, I saw a perfectly stable portal into that… abyss," Klaus Kinsterling paled as he said, "There were billions of them…"

"At the moment, only about a dozen or so of the ones comparable to Transcendent Foundation Stage Cultivators manage to slip through the portals with every instance. But if the portals connecting our two worlds keep stabilizing," Kurt took a deep breath, "We won't have enough Cultivators to combat them…"

"Sir Keter," a female voice drew everyone's attention. "With the portals stabilizing, what's stopping us from sending our best Cultivators over to their home and annihilating them before they can spread on Earth?"

"Madam Aida, I've personally tested the stabilized portals and for reasons I can't even begin to understand, only Transcendent Foundation and Foundation Collapse Stage Cultivators may pass through the dimensional boundaries," Kurt said.

Aida Dilla was the Guildmaster for the Cerulean Guild and a Foundation Collapse Stage Cultivator at the peak of her level.

"A pity," Aida said.

"Actually," Kurt's voice tensed as he added, "It might be for the best."

As everyone honed into his voice, drawing dread from his tone, Kurt sighed as he admitted, "There seems to be a power even higher than mine in the recesses of that abyss."

"B-but aren't you…"

"I've probed the alien dimension with my Core Sense and the enemy has at least one Cultivator with a Nascent Soul," Kurt said.

A perverse silence enveloped the room as many faces paled and deep breaths were taken.

To the Cultivators on Earth, a Nascent Soul currently had the same reputation as the Spirit Realm before the Dimensional Upgrade. To put it simply, the gap between Foundation and Core Cultivators wasn't even half of what was between Core and Nascent Cultivators. What followed the cultivation of a Core was the cultivation of a Nascent Soul and at the moment Earth had zero cultivators with one.

"However, the situation might not be as bad as it seems," Kurt mirthlessly said.

He clarified, "I've been at the peak of my Stage for months now; breaking through would at most take a day or two. But for reasons I can't disclose, I'd prefer if it didn't come to that before a certain point."

Kurt concluded, "Still, I know that this is a matter of life and death for our planet; our home. So, if it comes to the point where the portals stabilize such that Core level aliens begin passing through, I'll immediately begin my breakthrough."