The Keters’ Ascensions


Name: Chocolate Spirit Recovery Cookies

Grade: A-Ranked Spiritual Meal

Description: Created with a Cooking Skill at the Upper Saint levels of proficiency, these cookies alone boast effects comparable to entire full course Spiritual Meals. Made with all Mid or High Spirit Grade ingredients and processed from scratch by its cook's Core Qi, these chocolate chip cookies can be considered legendary resources to Foundation and Core Stage Cultivators.

Primary Effect: Boosted by its creator's Cooking Profound Truth of Control, this meal is effective on Level 55 entities or below.

Secondary Effect: Up to 500 Core Qi quickly regenerates in a matter of seconds. For Cultivators or Practitioners with less than 500 Core Qi, excess energy dissipates.

Tertiary Effect: Natural Regeneration factor of Core Stage Cultivators increases by a factor of ten for two days. For every Stage below, the duration of augmented natural regeneration doubles.]

"Here," Elizabeth handed Sun a bag with several cookies in them, "it sucks that you had to burn all that blood essence for no reason, so use these to recover with your pills faster."


As she was teleported away with her parents, Liam didn't even try to hide his chuckle as he turned to Jane and said, "All that hard work and we don't get a single cookie?"

"Heh, not everyone can get on your sister's good side like Sunny boy, over here," Jane mumbled loud enough that even Non-Practitioners at the same distance as she was to Sun could have heard her clearly.

"Now then," Elizabeth's eyes shined with an unsettlingly enthusiastic charm as she crept closer to her father, saying, "it's about time you guys got this upgrade."

It only served to heighten Kurt's apprehension when Elizabeth wordlessly allowed her hands to transform with the use of her Chaos Seals and summoned her new Grandmist Controller Needles in an array formation.

Taking the hint from her parent's shocked expressions, Elizabeth said, "The transformation makes it easier to use these special acupoint needles. Now take off your shirt so I can assess the damage."

'Assess the damage?' Kurt thought as he allowed the top of his clothes to dematerialize into a talisman with effects not unlike Elizabeth's Transillusionary Return Enchantment.

He kept his mouth shut while Elizabeth probed around his body as her expression did not give him much to go by. She neither frowned nor smiled from what she saw of his Cultivation Base and the overall state of his being.

"Ok," Elizabeth expelled a long and drawn out exhale through her nose as she said, "so the good news is that traces of your Spirit True Core still remain and this process of gaining a more perfect foundation will be a lot quicker."

"Unfortunately," she continued, "this also means that you'll be under a terrible pain and stress for the duration of the procedure. It'd still be painful had your Cultivation Base stabilized to the Nascent Cultivation Stage, but to less than a tenth of what you'll face now and for a hundred times longer."

With a sigh, Kurt said, "Well, whenever you're ready…"

Not a second later, he was left a pale-faced slump as Elizabeth immediately went to work; no countdown, no words of encouragement.

First, and arguably the most terrifying part of the operation, she severed Kurt's Nascent Soul from his body; effectively killing him, just not completely. After arranging the first Acupoint Array of Severance, her Soul Force-imbued Core Qi cut through Kurt's Upper Dantian tactfully so as to only sever its connection to the rest of his body. The damage was comparable to a mortal doctor making incisions on an operating patient's skin and muscle to get to the source of an illness.

"Wow, that wasn't painful at all," Kurt's voice resounded in the room from his now-disembodied Nascent Soul.

"Yeah," Elizabeth nonchalantly responded as quickly repositioned all the needles on Kurt's body to begin the next part of the operation, "the pain will only kick in when I reconnect you to your body. You'll have to face the brunt of all the pain at once, but it will be over quickly enough."

With no more comments being made, Elizabeth started working on Kurt's Lower Dantian with a variant of the general Taiji Acupoint Array she typically used in the past.

Using a Reverse Taiji Array, she was able to stop the dissipation of Kurt's 'complete' Spirit True Core and over the course of hours, she used various energy cultivating methods to return it to its former peak state; the point before Kurt chose to breakthrough from the Core Refinement Stage to the Core Bearing Stage.

From there, everyone in the room watched as Elizabeth cautiously reversed Kurt's cultivation base through the Core Refinement, Core Formation, Foundation Collapse, and Transcendent Foundation Stages.

As she took away energy from his Lower Dantian, Kurt watched, not knowing how to react as his Red Spirit True Core reverted to 75 Spiritual Pillars and those Spiritual Pillars turned clear from desaturation. His lifetime of Cultivation was reduced to that of a Saint Stage Practitioner in less than a day.

However, after being lowered to the peak of the Saint Stage, Kurt's talent and potential began to rise as Elizabeth applied her various Yin and Yang Profound Truths and Skills to his sealed energy and gradually reintroduced it to his body.

In the literal blink of an eye, Kurt's merely above-average Qi Connection became a Seamless Qi Connection; reinstating him as an Extreme Perfection-type Practitioner and soon Cultivator. A second later, acupoints all over Kurt's body lit up as his Mortal Realm Cultivation was instantly brought up to the peak of his natural potential.

"Hmm," Elizabeth squinted as she felt Kurt's body refuse to continue opening Acupoints and Meridians after she opened 12 Divine Meridians and 99 Heavenly Acupoints. She understood that this would be the extent of what Kurt would be capable of achieving without a technique like Chaos Requiem.

Unfortunately, even if she wanted to teach Chaos Requiem to him, it would be homicidal without the Sky Seizing Castle's Stairway of Chaos.

Thus, moving past the Saint Stage, after returning Kurt's body to the most basic Spirit Realm Cultivation Base with one Spiritual Pillar in the Transcendent Foundation Stage, Elizabeth instantly returned Kurt his previous 75 Spiritual Pillars. With his body having previously cultivated that amount, it just needed the equivalent energy in True Qi to restore the withdrawn Spiritual Pillars.

She then continued with her method to augment Kurt's sealed energy and build up exactly 95 Spiritual Pillars, elevating his Transcendent Nascent Foundation to a Transcendent Divine Foundation as a result. The 95 Spiritual Pillars then instantly returned to their red coloration as they were instantly saturated to Kurt's previous cultivation of a Nascent Collapse before Elizabeth gradually raised it to a Divine Collapse with a bright gold vibrancy; similar to Liam's, brighter than Janes, and brighter still than Sun's.

Moving on to Core Stage territory, the procedure remained consistent in pacing all the way up to the formation and refinement of Kurt's new Divine True Spirit Core. As Elizabeth's partially completed Core was made from Exalt level Spiritual Pillars, her Core Qi was twice as potent as Kurt's Core Qi, thereby allowing her speed to not diminish as she built up another's Cultivation Base higher than her own.

"Now then," Elizabeth suddenly said as her needles changed places on Kurt's body once again, "before I reconnect your Nascent Soul, you should know two things. First and foremost, try as best you can to ignore the pain and make the most out of the temporary restoration of your Spirit True Core. The moment your Nascent Soul and body reconnect, your Spirit True Core will begin dissipating, so use as much of its energy as possible to improve the quality of your Nascent Soul.

"Second, consider the creation of several other Nascent Souls. With your body's improved potential, you can sustain as many as nine Nascent Souls, but unless there's for a good reason, there's no point to spread your Soul Force across nine separate avatars. However, depending on the arrangement of Nascent Souls, you could be making your future Cultivation easier or harder," Elizabeth concluded.

With a nod, Kurt's Nascent Soul nodded it's pixie-like head as it said, "I'll try for a secondary Nascent Soul to split up my Temporal and Spatial Cultivation." As a Cultivator of the Forsaken Continuum Baptism, it was a solid arrangement; especially since he wasn't a Spacetime Cultivator.

"Ok, just tell me when you're ready," Elizabeth said as she waved her hand and laid out a selection of Core Grade Spiritual Meals and her outdated Soulstitching Acupoint Needles to help Kurt with the pain he would momentarily be under. Since the Grandmist Controller Needles needed to remain on Kurt's body in their current arrangement until his Nascent Soul and body completely reconnected and the boundary of his Upper Dantian healed, the upgraded Soulstitching Acupoint Needles would have to do.

Half a minute later Kurt was left convulsing as he sat upright on the bed, not even wasting the effort to look unfazed as he put everything into making the most of Elizabeth's efforts. He would remain this way for the next day or so, which Elizabeth and Maria spent at his side upgrading her talent.

Since Maria hadn't even reached the peak of the Core Refinement Stage before the operation, she wasn't subjected to the same torture that Kurt lived through as she hadn't yet formed a Nascent Soul. Her operation was also much faster as Elizabeth didn't need to spend hours restoring a diminishing Spirit True Core and could directly begin the reversal process from the start.

However, when Kurt stopped suffering from the reconnection process of his Nascent Soul, Energy, and Body, he came out dozens of times stronger than he had been previously as he directly completed his Core Bearing Stage Cultivation with the creation of his second Nascent Soul and moved on to the Nascent Cultivation Stage. Even Elizabeth didn't know if she would be able to beat him in a fight if she didn't resort to using the full extent of her Chaos Seals.


Name: Kurt Keter

Level: 56

Rank: Perfect Dual Nascent Cultivator

Sex: Male

Strength: ~3,000,000

Endurance: ~3,000,000

Speed: ~3,000,000

Defense: ~3,000,000

Intelligence: ~3,000,000

Luck: 10

Nascent Qi: 50,000 (5,500,000 Core Qi)]