Returning Home

After I finished up with my assessment I collected my payslip. Leaving the Registrar building I headed to the bank to collect the soul stones that I had earned while I was in the mortal world. After collecting my twenty-four soul stones I deposited twenty of them in my savings, leaving the bank I headed home.

Letting myself into the apartment I looked around for Jax. I found him curled up on the window sill, fast asleep in his dragon form. Sometimes I really didn't understand this little guy, guardian angels were very proud of their cherub form, and wouldn't be caught dead in another shape, but this little guy preferred his dragon form, I had once asked him why — but all he said was he was more comfortable in his dragon form.

Jax was really closed mouth about his past, all I really knew was that he was from the Upper Bounds, and had been punished for gambling in the Lower bounds and demoted. He never went into his past, nor did he ever talk about his life in the Upper Bounds, but I got the feeling that something else happened to him there, every now and then I would catch him staring into the distance with a desolate look on his face.

I had once asked him what happened to the previous soul he had been assigned to, the look in his eyes at that time had scared me a little, it had been ice cold, his whole aura at that time had changed, it was as though a stranger was in front of me, he had then just stated quietly that his previous partnership hadn't worked out. After saying that to me, he had disappeared for a couple of days, when he came back he acted as though nothing had happened since then I have never bought up the subject again.

Leaving him to sleep, I quietly cleaned up my apartment, while the apartment wasn't much it was still mine, I always paid the landlord years in advance, just to ensure that when I returned to Purgatory I still had a home to return too. Most of the poorer souls in Purgatory rented out their places while they were in the mortal realm, but I never did, I was really possessive about my stuff.

Going through the small pile of clothes looking for something decent to wear the next day, I found that everything besides what I was wearing was really no better than rags. I would have to waste some of my precious soul stones on materializing some new clothes.

Going over to my desk in the corner of the room, I took out three pieces of soul paper and a stick of charcoal. Then drawing a pair of pants on one piece, a t-shirt on the other and a pair of boots on the last piece, I then pulled out one of the soul stones that I had kept, I sat cross-legged on the floor, then holding the soul stone I began to absorb the soul power stored within the soul stone, there wasn't much soul power within the soul stone, so it only took me half an hour to drain the soul stone, once all the power stored had been drained the soul stone turned to ash.

I had to be quick now, as I had never been able to cultivate, my soul power had never awakened, so my soul couldn't store soul power, whatever soul power I absorbed would dissipate within a couple of minutes. Placing my hand over one of the pieces of soul paper, I injected the soul power in my soul into the soul paper, within a minute the soul paper disappeared and a pair of pants lay there in its place. Not wasting a moment I quickly moved onto the other pieces of papers. All too soon all the power I had absorbed in my soul was gone, but in front of me was a black pair of pants, a t-shirt and a pair of boots.

Since I could only afford black soul charcoal all my clothes were black. If you wanted other colors you needed to use different color charcoal. The material of the goods you materialized was dependant on what type of medium you used to draw, I used charcoal which was the cheapest, so my clothes were made out of a linen type of material, but there were special paints and inks that you could purchase that would give you satin, silk, wool, velvet, leather or even fur. And for the super rich they could afford to have even more exotic materials like Demonleather, Memorysatin, Firevelvet, Dreamsuede, Icedenimor or even Spidersilk.

Exhausted by producing my new set of clothing, I sat down wearily on my couch. It was dangerous to use your soul to materialize goods at my soul level, it was something that my teachers had drilled into me when I was in school, as it could damage your soul, leaving hidden dangers to your future cultivation, but I really had no choice, as buying goods that I needed would cost me five times more.

Closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep. Waking up the next morning I was still tired from using my soul to materialize my clothing, from my experience it would take me over a week to recover fully. Picking up my new clothes, I went behind the privacy screen I had set up in the corner and changed.

Going to the small basin in the kitchen, I washed my face after dying my face on a small towel, I turned to look at Jax. He was still seated on the window sill, paging through a magazine. Feeling my gaze he looked up, seeing my new clothes and my pale face, he gave me a disapproving look, Jax always hated it when I used soul power to materialize goods, but after so many years together he knew not to say anything.