Brae’s Decision

It took me a couple of hours to walk back to the apartment, thankfully today was my day off so I didn't have to go to the library. It was mid-morning by the time I arrived back at the apartment. Letting myself in I saw Jax staring at the door, he must have been waiting for me to return all night, I thought grimly.

I strolled over the sofa and sat down. Leaning slightly forward, I clasped my hand together while resting my arms on my knees.

"Jax I want you to break our guardian contract," I said firmly.

"No, Never. I" Jax shouted.

"Jax!" I interrupted him sternly.

"I am going to go for it, but I will not take you down with me" I stated quietly but firmly.

I have thought about it all night, this really was my only chance. I had been waiting for fifteen hundred years for justice, but it had never happened, and it was never going to happen, I had been living on false hope all these years and it was time to face reality.

I only had two options available to me. One was to carry on the way that I had been for the past fifteen hundred years, and either be driven insane or the most likely outcome was to be driven to give up and return to the source, which really wasn't much different from destroying my soul, or two take this once in a lifetime opportunity. While Jax was right that the chances of me being able to become an immortal were so tiny it was all but unimaginable, but at least it was an opportunity, and since I wasn't reincarnating the normal way, my curse wouldn't activate, so I had a chance to finally live long enough to cultivate, something that up until now I had been denied.

The only thing that I was worried about was Jax, as he was my guardian angel he would be held accountable for my actions, they would blame him for not stopping me and also for not informing them of my actions, so while I was okay with taking this dangerous risk, I wouldn't drag him down with me — this was my problem and it was damn unfair that he had already been implicated with me for the past fifteen hundred years, he did not need to lose his soul as well.

"Brae, I won't do it — and I swear if you cancel our guardian contract I will drink from the River of No Return. If you going to do this, then we do it together." Jax said blackmailing me.

My throat and nose burned and my eyes misted up, I was so damn grateful that I had this little guy in my corner, but I was determined to win this argument, at least one of us had to come out of this alive.

The two us argued bitterly the whole afternoon, finally worn out by the whole thing, I gave in — even when I had decided to forget the whole thing, Jax exploded and threatened he would go to the River of No Return immediately. He had maneuvered me into a corner, I couldn't give up as he said he couldn't live with himself if I gave up on his account, and I couldn't make him break our guardian contract.

A part of me was pissed as hell with him for being so damn stubborn, another part of me was so damn scared that I had condemned both of us to be destroyed, but another part of me was happy that I would have least have someone with me, that I wouldn't be all alone.

That evening Jax went into more details about what he and Cinderstorm had discussed. The one blessing to reincarnating into another body, and not going through official channels would be that I would not have to drink from the River of Forgetfulness, so I would reincarnate with all my memories intact.

For one hundred and fifty soul stones Cinderstorm would help us out for a week to locate a body whose soul met with our requirements, but the most shocking part was that I would be reincarnated on one of the worlds out on the rim.

Rim worlds were located on the edge of our known universe, and they weren't controlled by either the Darklings or Shinings, they were worlds that no one was really interested in. It wasn't that these worlds were lacking in resources or spiritual aura, it was just that they were to damn far out that they could play no role in the war between Darklings and Shinings.

Jax wasn't sure how souls reincarnated on these worlds, but one thing he did know was that most Soul worlds used these rim worlds as a dumping ground for their troublemakers, this meant that it was a double edge sword for me.

One rim worlds were highly dangerous, as they were filled with undesirables, and most had no supreme ruler, nor did any of the gods or goddess take note of these worlds, so on these worlds there was no law, the strong ruled and they normally ruled their area's with an iron fist, but the benefit of me going to a rim world is that I wouldn't run into anyone that knew me, and more importantly no one would be able to track me.

Jax and I came up with a game plan, while a part of me wanted to rush immediately to the Lower bounds, I also realized that would be really stupid. I still had four days before sleazeball returned, and I wanted to use that time to research and borrow as many books as I could. Now that I was leaving Purgatory permanently I didn't have to worry about repercussions as if I returned I was going to be destroyed so adding one more sin to my growing list wasn't going to make any difference.

The good news was that I just had enough soul stones for Cinderstorm so that was one thing that I did not have to worry about. As additional protection, we also decided to inform everyone that I was moving away to one of the outlying villages so that when I disappeared in a couple of days time, no one would think anything about it.