The Dying Girl

When I came to I found myself lying on something soft. Opening my eyes, I started at the robin blue sky above me. Recalling the last thing I remembered which was passing out, I quickly sat and look around frantically for Jax.

"Whoa there Brae" Jax voice sounded above me.

Looking up I saw Jax hovering just above my head. Relieved to see the little guy was okay, I looked around curiously. Seeing that I was sitting on something white and fluffy. I frowned. Patting the strange thing, I was flabbergasted when my hand passed through it.

"What the f*ck!" I exclaimed.

Jax burst out laughing, then pointing to the side he said: "Take a look, Sunshine"

Looking at where Jax was pointing, I saw several puffy white clouds floating in the distance, slightly confused it took me a minute to figure out what Jax was trying to tell me.

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks — cloud, I was sitting on a f*cking cloud — a cloud that was floating in the sky. Dumbstruck I just stared at the cloud beneath my arse, my mind blank while I was trying to come to terms with the fact that I was sitting on a cloud.

"What the f*ck Jax, I am sitting on a cloud!" I whispered loudly, don't ask me why I was whispering, I just felt that any sudden movement or sound would have me falling through the cloud.

Yeah, that's me, seems like the logical side my brain had taken the day off.

By now Jax was convulsing with laughter, tears were streaming down his face, the little shit if I wasn't so damn worried that if I moved I would fall through the cloud, I would have strangled the little bastard.

Glaring at him "very funny Jax" I grumbled if looks could kill he would be six feet under by now.

"If you have finished, would be mind telling me why the hell I am sitting on a frigging cloud in the middle of wherever the hell we are," I said sarcastically.

Sobering up, Jax smirked at me "We are now on the rim world Teranovis, Cinderstorm has left us here, while he investigates some souls to see if he can find a body for you."

"Oh," my go-to response, when I have no idea what else to say.

After a couple of minutes of quiet, I turned to Jax and asked: "So how long was I out for, and why did I pass out"

"You been out for a day, and as to why you passed out, Cinderstorm said he had to do with dark magic he used to transport us here, due to the distance it that he transported us, the dark magic overloaded your mind."

Digesting that fact for a second, I looked around not sure what we were supposed to do now.

"Ah okay, so do we just sit here and wait for Cinderstorm to return?" I really wasn't happy to be stuck on a cloud, I would have preferred to have my feet on the ground.

"Hmm," Jax said flying down to lie down next to me.


It had been four days since I woke up on the cloud Cinderstorm has dumped us on, and Cinderstorm had still not returned. I was starting to get antsy. I had now adjusted to the fact that I was on a cloud, and after not falling through, had begun to get up and walk around the small cloud, not that it gave me much room to move, the cloud was only about five meters squared, so I really couldn't pace.

I knew Jax was getting irritated with me continuously asking when Cinderstorm was going to return, so I was trying hard not to bug him every couple of minutes, but I was bored out of my mind. Glaring at Jax who was sleeping peacefully I had a nasty desire to kick him, just as I was about to give into my evil side, a small cyclone of smoke appeared on the cloud.

Once the smoke cleared, I saw Cinderstorm standing there. There was something so surreal about having an eight foot, flaming monster standing on a cloud, that I was struck mute for a second.

"Located your new body" Cinderstorm reported.

Then not even waiting for a response from either myself or Jax, he waved his hand and the next thing I knew we were all standing in a run-down courtyard. Thankfully this time I did not pass out.

Guy's a real chatterbox I thought sarcastically.

"There," Cinderstorm said pointing out a body lying like a broken doll under a tree near us.

Seeing the broken body, sobered me up instantly. The seriousness of what was about to happen hit me. Looking around I couldn't see the soul that belonged to the body lying on the ground.

"Is she dead?" I asked Cinderstorm.

"Not yet. Soon"

Curious as to why this person was the body that Cinderstorm picked, I asked him.

"Good potential. The soul is bright. Grievous death. Your soul will fit" Cinderstorm spat the words out. Would it kill this guy to give me more details, I thought.

Looking at the girl lying there Cinderstorm said pointing to the body

"Soon now, go!"

Realizing that he wanted to me go over to the girl's body, I hesitatingly walked over — Jax flew nearby and said gently in my ear.

"It' going to be okay Brae"

Looking at Jax, I nodded firmly. Yes, it will be okay — this was my chance and I wasn't going to screw it up.

With that thought in my mind, my steps firmed and I walked over to the dying girl.


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