Paradelle 6

Paradelle For Morning

By Camille C. Patty

Wait, and listen to the air's weighty anticipation.

Wait, and listen to the air's weighty anticipation.

You are like a transparent apple, fallen in rhythm.

You are like a transparent apple, fallen in rhythm.

Like weighty airs to the apple, you listen in a fallen

rhythm, wait, and are transparent anticipation.

Bird Calls beckon something, then announce your return.

Bird Calls beckon something, then announce your return.

A basket woven inwardly, I receive in morning.

A basket woven inwardly, I receive in morning.

Receive a woven basket. I beckon your return inwardly,

then announce morning, something in bird calls.

This script for touch shivers like coldness or fear.

This script for touch shivers like coldness or fear.

It is the thin skin of apple, a clear yellow glowing.

It is the thin skin of apple, a clear yellow glowing.

Glowing or thin, the apple skin is like a clear script.

It shivers fear yellow for this coldness of touch.

A clear script for rhythm, your bird calls

are a weighty listen inwardly, something like fear.

You wait, or return in like anticipation of air's coldness,

then beckon, and receive it. The yellow transparent apple,

fallen in a morning basket. Touch is glowing apple

shivers. I announce this to the thin woven skin.