Don’t Spend Time With People Who Don’t Treat You Well[4]

"Learn how to say "no" to people, activities and obligations that don't bring value to your life." (Hayley, 37)

Gently let go of those who are not making your life better.

After calls to take care of your health and your finances, the most common piece of advice from people looking back at their 30-year-old selves was an interesting one: they would go back and enforce stronger boundaries in their lives and dedicate their time to better people. "Setting healthy boundaries is one of the most loving things you can do for yourself or another person." (Kristen, 43)

What does that mean specifically?

"Don't tolerate people who don't treat you well. Period. Don't tolerate them for financial reasons. Don't tolerate them for emotional reasons. Don't tolerate them for the children's sake or for convenience sake." (Jane, 52)

"Don't settle for mediocre friends, jobs, love, relationships and life." (Sean, 43)

"Stay away from miserable people… they will consume you, drain you." (Gabriella, 43)

"Surround yourself and only date people that make you a better version of yourself, that bring out your best parts, love and accept you." (Xochie)

People typically struggle with boundaries because they find it difficult to hurt someone else's feelings, or they get caught up in the desire to change the other person or make them treat them the way they want to be treated. This never works. And in fact, it often makes it worse. As one reader wisely said, "Selfishness and self-interest are two different things. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind."

When we're in our 20s, the world is so open to opportunity and we're so short on experience that we cling to the people we meet, even if they've done nothing to earn our clingage. But by our 30s we've learned that good relationships are hard to come by, that there's no shortage of people to meet and friends to be made, and that there's no reason to waste our time with people who don't help us on our life's path.