Fuck Yes Or No[4]

Fuck Yes or No doesn't necessarily mean you have to be falling in knee-wobbling love at first sight. It doesn't even mean you have been completely convinced that someone is right for you. You can be "Fuck Yes" about getting to know someone better. You can be "Fuck Yes" about seeing someone again because you think there's something there. You can be "Fuck Yes" about giving things a few months to pan out and see if you can fix the problems in the relationship. You can be "Fuck Yes" about trying to fix things in an unhappy relationship because you can see future potential.

The point is: both you and the other person need to be fuck yes about something (and it must be the same thing), otherwise you're just wasting your time.

But the real beauty of The Law of "Fuck Yes or No" is that it simplifies the problems you can have in your dating life. When applying the Law of "Fuck Yes or No," there are really only two problems one can have.

The first problem is people who never feel a "Fuck Yes" for anybody they meet. If you are lukewarm on absolutely everyone you meet, then either your demographics are way off, or you suffer from a lack of vulnerability and are protecting yourself by remaining indifferent and unenthused by all of those around you.

Remember, it's your job to look for something cool in everyone you meet; it's not their job to show you. This is life, not a fucking sales convention. Learning to appreciate people you meet is a skill you cultivate. So get on it. This doesn't mean you have to fall in love with everyone who breathes in your direction. It just means you need to take responsibility for your ability to connect with the people you are meeting.

The second problem is people who never meet others who feel a "Fuck Yes" for them. If all of the people you pursue give you a mild response or outright rejections, then it's time to focus on improving yourself. Ask yourself, what is it about yourself that would inspire others to say "Fuck Yes" about you? If the answer is not obvious, then you get to work. Build yourself into a person others would say "Fuck Yes" to.

And this is the ultimate dating advice lesson — man, woman, gay, straight, trans, furry, whatever — the only real dating advice is self-improvement. Everything else is a distraction, a futile battle in the grey area, a prolonged ego trip. Because, yes, with the right tools and performance, you may be able to con somebody into sleeping with you, dating you, even marrying you. But you will have won the battle by sacrificing the war, the war of long-term happiness.